Competitive Anorexia
/I feel for all the fit-freaks who peddle their bodies for likes and followers. Competitive anorexia is a tough gig. You have to hate yourself and the way you look enough to think you're so naturally unattractive and imperfect that you have to dedicate yourself to punishing exercise routines on starvation-level diets just to feel "good" about yourself. All while balancing the way you look and never going "too far," so no one ever finds out you're body dismorphic by saying how much you love being "healthy." But, in order to achieve that "healthy" look, you have to consume a ton of supplements that deteriorate your organs, commit to mentally-abusive diets that damage brain function, do escalatingly-dangerous workout routines that subtlety destroy your musculoskeletal system, all to maintain an unnaturally low body-fat level and unsustainably infeasible amount of muscle mass. It's a crazy deal. You have to destroy your body to achieve a look being peddled as "healthy" because top-level athletes look like that and they MUST be healthy, ignoring that most pro athletes age out at 30 because of how destructive that level of "fitness" is to your body. So you have to hate how you look SO much that you torture and destroy yourself to have an ever-better body, and the system rewards your alleged "sacrifice" by giving you likes and followers in exchange for hyper-sexualized pictures objectifying your beauty that you can eventually commoditize and sell for product endorsements and patronage from wealthy donors. And if you're EXTREMELY lucky, you can leverage that "following" into fame and land a rich suitor who can "keep" you, in exchange for sexual favors, enabling you to dedicate ever-more time to improving your physical appearance (at the EXPENSE of your health,) which is now technically your "brand image," and perpetuate a cycle of vanity and self-dissatisfaction, trading your physical body and sexuality for capital wealth. The "system" is that beauty matters SO much that it should be your number-one focus in life. The more you care about your beauty, the more rewarded you are. Which is also why it is dominated by privilege. You have to be rich enough to not have to have a real job so you can work out all the time. You have to have access to technology and high-quality food and accommodations to perpetuate your lifestyle. All so you can hate yourself, endure sexual objectification, and destroy your body. For public approval and money. You perpetuate oppressive beauty standards and impossible body images so you can get famous and make money. You indulge your own vanity and solipsistic narcissism by saying "I just want people to know I exist. I am just doing "me." Just trying to get paid doing what I love: focusing solely on improving the only part of myself I care about, my body. I just want to be loved and people love me when I show them my ass, and they love me more when my ass looks better." I feel for them. They have nothing to offer the world except how "hot" they are, because they were taught that the only thing that matters is how hot you are. The hotter you are, the more people like you and the more money you make. The better you're treated. The more in-demand you are. Get hot. That's what they're told. If they're hot, they get likes. Likes equal influence. Influence equals money. Money equals power. That is THEIR "empowerment." They believe that some people are good at math, and they're good at being hot. They sell their bodies for money. They ate just using the privileges they have to "win." If God made you hot and gave you the means to get hotter, then get hotter and get rich. That is vanity culture. That is commoditized beauty. That is sexual objectification. That is "self-branding." My body, my business. That is Kim Kardashian. That is systemic narcissism. Investing in beauty.