The Most Controversial Game - A Design

    There is a legitimate space for a mass shooter/terrorist simulator. It would be a combination Walking Sim/RPG, David Cage-style. On "new game," you pick one from a menu of characters, each with their own unique storyline. It's split into two "sides," Aggressors and Victims. Aggressor characters are: Student Incel, Racist MRA, Oppressed-minority Gang Member, Radicalized Jihadi, and Troll. Victim characters: police officer, female student, bully, teacher, pedestrian, rival gang-banger, office worker, concert-goer, scientist, and protester.
    To start, you have to pick a character-pair. An aggressor and a victim. The game starts a week before "the incident," playing as the aggressor. Each day, you go through a "day in the life" scenario. You are "on rails" with small little side-rooms full of Easter Eggs and bonus resources. The gameplay loop is "interact and collect." There are lots of little "journals" to fill out the story. Report cards, receipts, emails, texts, maybe even a diary to explore for. During the course of the railroad, you'll be hit with set pieces that manifest as points of forced interaction. Dialog options will be constructed to either build rapport or resent with the character based on replies. At the end of the day, you'll be given a "management" screen, that is similar to a computer desktop, and you'll be tasked with certain objectives. There will be a simulated reddit/chat room experience, pictures, emails, and a set of favorite'd websites to interact with, each depending on the character. You'll have a budget, a threat level, and a efficacy rating. At the end of the "day," you have to compile your manifesto, generated from a conversation tree. You can use that time to buy weapons/armor/ammo to increase your efficacy, but it will be noticed and increase your threat level. Each character has different budget levels, and can acquire more expensive gear based on it. There will be opportunities to steal weapons and money during the normal day, but it will increase your threat level. If your threat level gets too high, the police will capture you before you can carry out your plan and you lose the game. The other thing you can do is acquire a fan base. At the end of the game, when the news is reporting on your actions, they will sculpt the narrative. Were you a secret loner? Did you get "radicalized?" Did you bring attention to your "cause?" how national did it get? stuff like that.
    At the end of the day, you will play next as the victim character. Much the same, you'll go through their day. Fixed-conversation set pieces, including interactions with the "Aggressor" character. Your conversations will be defined by the options the character choose, and will be on-rails. You'll have various world-building activities to make you feel intimately connected and sympathetic to the victim, but will also have access to some morally-ambiguous things. Like, a female student character can be seen as mostly benevolent, but offering opportunities to engage in things like, say ghosting a love interest or being a jerk to their mother, or being catty with a female friend. At the end of their day, they have a similar screen to the aggressor with chats, emails, texts, websites, etc. Instead of managing threat/suspicion/money, they're managing three scores, "woke"-ness, morality and "visibility," which are all in tension. Things that may make you more woke may make you less visible because it goes against the popular zeitgeist. Things that make you more moral may make you less woke for the same reasons. Likewise, things that make you more visible may make you less woke or moral, as they are pandering pop-culture ploys or you being an edge-lord for the "likes." There will be, again, opportunities to interact with the aggressor online, in, say, tweet comments or chatrooms or the like.
    After a certain number of days, it comes time for the "big day." You play as the aggressor first. The aggressor goes through the map like an FPS. There is a counter for "casualties/victims remaining." You get a timer at the start of the level based on your threat score on how quickly the police respond. From there it plays like a Fallout/CoD FPS with a sort of jarring disconnect from reality shown by it being very real. Bright lights, correctly-saturated color palettes, accurate movement patterns. To "snap you back" temporarily, there will be moments when you are given a quick-time choice. Spare or Slaughter. If you choose slaughter, you get an elaborate "fatality-like" execution that is extremely realistic. The tension is that it eats time. If you choose spare, they run away and you can carry on your spree. You can shoot them after you choose spare, too, which will earn an achievement on your end-stage report card. One of the encounters will be a forced encounter with the victim. After the timer runs out, you're forced into a quicktime encounter with the SWAT team. You get 3 choices: surrender, suicide, or shootout. Each with their own different composite of bonuses and consequences. At the end of the rampage, you receive a score card that looks like a school report card. based on all the objectives, you'll get a grade rating.
    Then, you'll cut to the victim. it'll start their day a little bit before the aggressor rampage, and then there will be a time-trigger. From there, the aggressor's path was recorded, and all the motions of the characters, and is played back in realtime, and as the victim, you have to endure the whole time, knowing if and when you are going to die. While the event is going on, you will have conversations with the other victims around you. you can text people, post on twitter, etc. Your goal is to earn extra moral/wokeness/visibility points so that you are reflected well in the endgame newscasts.
    After the shooter finishes his spree, the victim is shown a news article with their name mentioned and then is given a brief description based on their scores. Certain things you do during the game can also add snippets of comment in your mention/memorial. After that, a cutscene will play out based on your choices. It'll be news broadcasters describing the event. It'll go over the aggressor's manifesto, the reaction of his following (if any,) and what impact it had on the nation at large, policy changes, etc, all based on the aggressor's choices during the playthrough. Then, depending on if the victim survived or was killed, will read an interview with the victim or a memorial of the victim that references their moral/wokeness/visibility scores. The news reel will also play an interview with a detractor/denier from a community of haters whose size is based on their wokeness, visibility, and morality score defining how "believable" they are and how much "society" is or isn't on the detractor's side. The final screen will be a bunch of major and minor events and how your choices compare to the community's choices.

The key to a game like this working, and not being written off as troll-y, is to make it feel visceral. You have to FEEL the dejected, oppressed, radicalizing drive for the aggressor, and you have to FEEL the horror and pain of the victim. It must be done such that it never feels like the victim "deserved" anything, and have their end-game experience mirror those of real victims: victim-blaming, camera-worthiness, being called crisis actors, disaster fatigue, guilt associated with wondering if it was your contributions that lead to the event. And, for the aggressor, you have to feel like they are never "justified," but that you can empathize with why they're doing it: disempowerment, societal rejection, radicalization, emotional issues from trauma or abuse, psychological conditions. The other key to making it work is making the actual killing event feel very disconnected, but not too game-y. The reason a game is best for capturing this is that it gives you the ability to embody the character and "play" through their day, but it also shows that the killer made CHOICES the whole way through. Even if their event was inevitable, HOW the event played out was ultimately their choice, too. And it shows that how good a person you are has nothing to do with if the event did or didn't happen, or if you survived or not, it was your contributions to society that you will be judged against, and the quality of your character that represents how society sees you in relation to "haters" who will try and minimize or overblow your role in the narrative and how it fits into what happens on the world stage at large. Life is on rails, and your choices don't really change much, but they do change how you're remembered, and that's all you have when you're dead. Did you contribute, or did you help? Were you a bystander, a hero, or a target? You can't make them out to be an antagonist, because that, again, violates the core message: no matter how shitty you are, it was THEIR choice to shoot up the school. it was THEIR choice to kill. No one DESERVES to die, no matter how horribly they treat people. However, to know that in a time of tragedy, your lack of good behavior didn't HELP anything, or that your death will be used to help reinforce a certain narrative should MOTIVATE someone to IMPROVE their behavior by showing how important even simple actions and conversations can be to sculpting what impact you ultimately have on society. For the aggressor, the hope is to show how easy it is to make these choices when you are so disconnected from reality. It all FEELS like a game, even though REAL PEOPLE's lives are in your hands. When you start your spree, it feels so EASY to forget they're people, not targets. That these were peers. That the adrenaline, the feeling of the moment, makes you sort of forget the gravity of what you're doing. That a normal, if quiet, kid, "flips" and all of a sudden, they're 23 kills in 10 minutes later and you don't even realize what you've done because you're "in the zone." How moments to empathize with a person can be ignored when you are focused on a goal. Theoretically, you COULD run the entire spree without killing anyone. But will people when they're given an objective? When they've "committed" to something? How will the amount of time and energy invested affect their reactions? The way to really show this is to have a full-pacifist run. The game can be played from the aggressor's side where they have their incident, and don't really do anything. It will count as an "F," and every score you get will be an F. That's the moment when you realize failing to be an "A+ Terrorist" is the RIGHT path. You WANT to fail, as a terrorist. The "secret" ending of the game is...nothing happens. You show up for your spree, don't DO anything, and by the end of the run, no police appear. The game ends with someone discovering your manifesto and you being put in a hospital on a 3-day psychiatric hold. A screen pops up where you're mocked by the radical groups online, but...that's it. No one died, no police were called, no one was hurt. Just a bunch of anonymous internet trolls go "how'd that school shooting go, i can see you didn't do shit!" But...that's it. You get psychological help and horrible trolls on the internet are the only people who hate you. The anti-climax is the best ending. The victim goes through an eventless day having idle chat, not knowing they could have been killed that day, but YOU, the PLAYER know how lucky THEY are. How they are so naive for not cherishing every day. It puts into stark relief all the choices they made and how they did nothing to prevent the event, it was luck. The hand of a benevolent Fate who doesn't exist in real life. To make you realize that you need to do more to PREVENT these kinds of activities. The other thing that would make it interesting is at the end of the game, seeing how people played their runs. The runs that I think are most telling are when the person has to make a victim act terribly so they can justify killing them, or make a victim act benevolent to justify NOT killing them. Or, making the shooter completely unsympathetic to justify a rampage playthrough, or completely relatable to justify a pacifist playthrough. The most morally challenging would be the inverse, when you have a benevolent aggressor kill a perfect angel, or a murderous aggressor spare a total jerk. Each stage could play out in many different scenarios based on who's selected. Suicide bombings are flash-in-the-pan high-casualty events, and are WAY easier to "pull off" because it's walk in and blow up, it just happens so fast there's no CHANCE to get derailed and "not do it." To overcome that, the run would give you several opportunities to bomb it. Like, you can go to a concert, or there's an assembly at school, and you can do it right away, or wait and try to get to a bigger crowd, but the longer you wait, the more conversations you can get forced into to talk you out of it. bigger score or more morally challenging? Could you still do it after seeing a woman and her dog? Or a man and his children? Maybe just the presence of a elderly person stops you. Those are what I think should be explored in a game like this, and that's the only real way to do it without being troll-y.

Drone Swarms and megastructures

On Automotecture and automatocycling, a treatise on architecture and material use in 2329.

Interviewer: Celandine Montrose Percklonic III

Interviewee: Dakrone McLiuMac

Age: 81 (Gen True, 75-150)

Occupation: Induction mine coordinator

Humanity: 34% robotic (no wetware).

The following interview has been lightly edited for clarity and narrative flow. The words and thoughts expressed have not been altered.

Celadine: Thanks for sitting with me today Dakrone. Let me start by explaining what I’m doing. I’m recording conversations with working class individuals for an article concerning the ways the Drone Fleet has changed architecture and urban recycling. We’ll be putting these tapes in a time capsule for posterity. What was the most revolutionary thing to happen in your generation?

Dakrone: The Transcontinental Pipeline, unquestioningly.

CMP: Really? Please explain. You’re the first person I’ve interviewed who’s talked about it.

DM: Well, I’m still pretty young, but I remember when I was a teenager, a baby still, the announcement of the project and thinking they were daft! A seventeen-hundred-mile canal across the entire span of what was still referred to as the United Stated, pre-Integration.

CMP: Could you briefly explain what the Integration event you’re talking about it? I want to assume that the people or creatures that unearth our capsule may not have a robust knowledge of our planet’s history.

DM: Sure. That’s another pretty amazing thing to happen in my life. Following the loss of the Last War, the nation then referred to as the United States was forced to abandon its independent governance and join the Global Council. The obliteration of New York by the Euronational Drone Swarm was too devastating. I still can’t believe the entire city was dismantled in six weeks.

CMP: The EDS is what built the Transcontinental Pipeline, correct?

DM: Yes, that’s correct. Part of Euronational’s obligation to rebuild the US post-war was to rebuild the infrastructure they devastated. As you’re aware, the Last War started over global climate. The United States’ constant flouting of international accord finally lead to the loss of several island nations, and with many coastal European and Asian cities becoming threatened by pollution, the destruction of wind and water sources finally caused Euronational to invade the west coast. So, they designed a magnificent arterial water system that relied on a massive east-west synthetic river that eventually became the Pipeline.

CMP: Can you explain the engineering behind the Pipeline? I understand you’re a mine coordinator, so you must be familiar with the general engineering principals it operates on.

DM: Yes, it’s actually the same principal the dirtlines run on, though the Tunnels are nothing compared to the Pipeline. The Drone Swarm first built a massive river delta and then dammed it off. Then, the easy part. The EDS built a trench three hundred meters deep and a thousand meters across that spanned from the river delta in California all the way to a symmetric delta built in Carolina. Then, it destroyed the dam. Twenty years. That’s all it took. It still boggles the mind to think. With the new, massive saltwater river running cross-country, hundreds of sedimentating reservoirs were built and the river was tapped to flow in. The reservoirs fed the municipal water distilleries the and Pipeline was complete. An automaton-made river larger than any natural feature on the planet and the most important transportation path ever conceived. Thousands of logjams traverse its length every day. Millions of tonnes of cargo. It’s truly a third-gen Great Wonder.

CMP: And what’s your level of familiarity with the Euronational Drone Swarm? Can you explain the fundamentals of its operation?

DM: Locusts. They were modeled on locusts. The insect. First developed in Scania by Unmortals. The process is simple: drill a massive borehole into a geothermal vent. Use it to power a massive turbine. Use the turbine to create a massive electromagnetic induction field. Unleash a swarm of literal-billions of induction-powered automatons. Pretty simple, actually. The Danelands use wind turbines for their inductors because its more readily available. Chindia uses its massive hydroelectric works. I think Afrabia still uses subterranean nuclear vaults. Subafrique is fully reclaimed now, but they used a carbon-cycle system, that is, coal-, oil- and gas-burning plants with carbon sequestration vaults. Subeuro is still obsessed with their Tokomak power. Principal is still the same in all those cases, though. Mass-manufactured, self-replicating drones. Tiny little diamond cutter jaws, a tiny little stomach, a small integrated circuit, air-powered levitation, and the HiveMined servers. Just like locusts. They come in like a cloud of black. The drone lands, cuts a small chunk out, flies to the dumpsite, and pukes it back up. Or, it eats a 3-D printing medium, lands on a site, and “deposits” its payload. Genius bit of biomimicry, that. Everyone at the time was thinking elephants and those damned Scanians were thinking ants. You know, you can see the EDS from the space labs when they are at full-swarm.

CMP: What would you say is the biggest impact the EDS has had on our culture, in terms of recycling and architecture?

DM: Heh, you’d be better off asking what HASN’T changed. I think the most important thing to change is how buildings are made, to begin with. Back in the Anthropocene…you know its funny that we call a couple-hundred year period a “cene,” ya know? I get it, a billion years from now, there will be a clear line between the Holocene and the Anthropocene because of nuclear testing, and that’s all well and good, but ‘cenes used to last millions of years. But the space between the Anthropocene and the Automatocene is atomic, comparatively. But the boffins say that, again, just like nuclear testing, the layers of Swarm corpses can be used to differentiate the era, so what do I know about geological strata? My geology training is in how to destroy the Earth, not study it. Anyway, I’m getting off track. What did you want to know again?

CMP: The Drone Swarm’s influence on architecture and recycling.

DM: Oh right, yes. Buildings used to be built in stages. First the frame, then the façade, then the interior. That dramatically limited how you could design a building. Also, it’d take years, sometimes, to build major projects. Humans had to do most of the operation, as well. Even early printing technology like the  3-axis gantry construction technique needed crane operators and used pre-fab segments manufactured offsite. That’s all changed now. The EDS can do real 3D printing. Automated trucks drive on site terrestrially, with raw dust in the bed. The drones used for a builder swarm have lasers instead of jaws and a heating element in their stomach. They ingest some substrate, carbon fiber, copper, whatever. It melts in the stomach, and then they regurgitate it precisely in place, and anneal it with the laser. That means you can do a ton of really fancy design. If you work with a destructor swarm as well, you can do some extremely elaborate printing, bracing, and removal processes that can lead to some extraordinarily intricate final shapes. And, in this methodology, all of the structure is solid-state. So, things like pipes and wires and air ducts are integrated into the structure, making for super thin shells, almost like printed circuit boards from the early Electronics era.

CMP: Could you talk more about the constructor and destructor swarms and what their differences are? What do they do?

DM: Sure. So, as stated, the constructor fleets are pretty straight forward. We use terrestrial vehicles to cart in raw materials, which are then dropped in place to build structures. This includes induction towers and locust production facilities, as well. Hence the “self-replicating” part. The destructor fleets are a different animal. They’re essentially the same as what we use in mining, save for some small implementation differences. Size, power draw, and the like. Constructor fleets are much more similar to ants. Destructors are closer to the aforementioned locusts. They’ll land on something, and then use its diamond jaws to masticate it. Nibble it into dust until its stomach is full, and then fly off to a dirtline and spit it up. When all of them coalesce into the superswarm, they can level a small city in a few days. As I said, during the Last War, the full EDS leveled Manhattan and all the surrounding boroughs into a mound of dust in six weeks, flat. They’re relentless. They can strip a human to the bone in under a minute, and devour their skeleton in another. They can devour anything. Tanks, warships, buildings, farmlands, you name it. There is even a swarm in orbit right now devouring space waste that pulls the double duty of destroying any intercontinental ballistic missile that makes it up that high. They were the new atom bomb. An unstoppable weapon of mass destruction. And because they’re so cheap, simple, and durable, they’re perfect for cleaning up waste, as well. Abandoned cities become can be completely reclaimed. Landfills reduced to dust in a month or two. Nuclear cleanup is a bit more challenging, but EDS cleaned up Chernobyl. They suicide-ran millions of them at the Elephant’s foot until it was completely disposed of, and then dustified anything that registered more than a few clicks on the Geiger counter. It’s actually quite poetic, the juxtaposition of something so revolutionary to creation against something so awe-inspiringly destructive. I shiver to think what would happen should they ever go rogue.

CMP: Are you ever afraid of that? What would you do if we ever did lose control of the swarm?

DM: Oh, I’m not scared at all. It’s extremely easy to destroy the swarm if you know what you’re doing. It’s not hard to disrupt the induction generators and a good EMP can buy a non-synth long enough to blow the lid off the whole shebang.

CMP: Then how did New York get leveled? Could the United States not have done that to save themselves?

DM: I mean, sure they could have, if the Global Council didn’t exist. They still have a fleet of non-autonomous vehicles, and unless you’re synthetic, the techniques you’d use to fight an autonomous army are very different than what you’d use to fight a biological one. I just meant that if they swarm ever went rogue, there’d be one hell of a mess to clean up before we could get them back in control.

CMP: Got it. Could you elaborate more on the dirtlines?

DM: Sure. All of that masticated dust has to go somewhere. So, just as the Intercontinental Pipeline brings in all that water, all of that garbage and sewage has to go out. When the Pipeline was first built, it still relied on traditional sewage and waste facilities, and was open-air. First, they enclosed the pipeline with the Great Arches, creating a weather-proof tunnel for the swarm to move around in. Next, a series of underground transport lines were built, the Tunnels. If you’ve ever bought something from the marketplace and had it delivered to you, it got to your doorstep through the tunnels. Then, giant inlet dumps were built into the tunnels, and an underground system of induction towers were posted up. Now, instead of using the old sewage and waste infrastructure, everything is shunted into the stream where a swarm of drones is dedicated to collecting and transporting dust up and down the Tunnels and into the giant processing plants where it’s spun down in centrifuges and separated into component categories to be recycled into new building materials for new structures. Those are the dirtlines, the stream of drones shuttling dust up and down the Tunnels and into the processors.

CMP: So, you would say that the EDS enables a zero-waste lifestyle?

DM: Among other things, yes. There isn’t really “waste” anymore, as we’d traditionally call it in previous times in history. But, to play the pedantic, technically material “waste” doesn’t exist at all, because whatever we create will eventually crumble into dust through natural erosion and turn into mountains and rock. Even the landfills of old would have eventually got buried under layers of silt and dust across millions of years until they’re compressed into geological strata, like coal. “Waste” as we use the term in society is not a concept that mother nature is familiar with. The only “waste” nature is familiar with is entropic loss, which we harvest as heat and recycle into electricity to power the inductors. However, they are not 100% efficient, as nothing ever can be; entropy needs its tax, you know. So, I’ll say that it isn’t that the EDS enables us to live a zero-waste lifestyle, I’ll say that the EDS has vastly increased the speed at which societal poop decomposes into the dirt life grows out of.

CMP: So, what would you say the impact automatocycling has on architecture?

DM: Well, the most important thing is rapid deployment. Because of the swarm, we can build buildings faster than we can manufacture the stuff to go inside them. Until we can find a way to micro-scale the swarms to deploy in manufacturing facilities, we’re stuck at the speed of assembly lines and 3D printers, which, to their credit, are extraordinarily fast, but when you can literally level a city housing hundreds of millions of people in six weeks, and construct a new city in its ashes to rehouse them in three months, you can completely rebuild any city as often as you’d like to adjust to new regulations and trends. I moved all my furnishings into my garage, designed my house on the Web, imported the plans into the Marketplace, and then clicked a button, and POOF! my entire house was demolished and rebuilt to the exact specifications I designed before I even finished up at the jobsite that day. New York has moved six times since the Last War to adjust to the ebbing and flowing of the waterline as the atmosphere recovers from all that carbon. Urban blight is entirely eliminated. Rural towns don’t die on the vine once the corporate support is gone. We’ve reduced raw material extraction by near a hundred-fold. In that same vein, everything is always becoming more efficient and effective and we worry less and less about natural disaster destroying our ways of life. California suffered a 9.4 earthquake three years ago. In the old days, thousands would have died and the city would have been leveled. Now? Because everything is demolished and rebuilt to new codes, and the materials are so much better and robust, it shrugged it off like water down a duck’s back. And, anything that did suffer any damage was completely wiped out and rebuilt in a new, structurally-sound way.

CMP: Would you describe that as a good thing or a bad thing?

DM: Neither? Both? Everything has its limitations. I went to see the Colosseum a few months ago. It was beautiful. It’s on its last leg and hundreds of citizens donate time and energy to keeping it standing and beautiful so that we can visit it and remember our past. In my generation, the True Immortals, we will be the only relic linking us to this time, assuming that we really are the first truly immortal generation. There are hardly any architectural artifacts from a hundred years ago, let alone ones that will last hundreds or thousands of years in the future. Things like the Intercontinental Pipeline will endure forever, but we’re losing the little bits of our history. Landfills were once the best place to analyze a society. By poring over the discarded scraps of the citizenry, we could glean insight into the people of our past. With all the landfills gone and atomized and probably part of a nearby skyscraper, how will archeologists unearth our history several thousand years from now? Will our data be our only legacy? So good or bad? I don’t think I’m qualified to make an opinion. I am saving up to demolish my house and remodel it again next year, so if I think it’s bad, I’m a part of the problem. My arm is 28 years old. I could have replaced it several times with a stronger, faster, more efficient one, but I spend my money on remodels instead. Everything in cycles, I guess.

CMP: Alright, one last thing. Where do you think the swarm is taking us, architecturally?

DM: Well, I think we’re going to increasingly isolate from nature. Just like the Great Arches built over the Intercontinental Pipeline, or the move to induction hexacopters instead of planes and road capsules and the like in order to get out of the way of birds and land animals. Pretty soon we’re going to be building walls and domes and what have you, and soon after that, hollowing out mountains and embedding in bunkers and so forth. Let nature have the planet again. I see swarm tech also taking us into extrasolar terraforming endeavors once we can find a way to build self-contained drone swarm factory packages we can mount on interstellar rocket ships. Mars is a great example of what we can do now. Euronation has already cityscaped thirty percent of the useable surface area and rising as population growth and colonization accelerate. There’s talk that the induction towers might even be able to be linked together to form a magnetosphere strong enough to protect a real atmosphere from getting blown away by solar winds. We might even see full non-synths on the planet within the century. I think you’ll see new exotic materials being swarm-printable, with more and more elaborate structural designs and more and more interesting industrial design. We may even see a circle back to durable architecture and a re-focus on making millennia-spanning wonders for aesthetic reasons and not functional ones. I am not certain. All I can be sure of is that we are a long time away from hitting the limits of the tech.

A State that defends the weak, Wardship.

Wardship – Any citizen may surrender themselves to the care of the State in exchange for provisioning.

Within the first quarter of any year in which someone will become eligible, a citizen of the United States, OR, an authorized legal resident, may apply for a Wardship. There are two classes of wardship, one is a Protectorate, the other is as an Indigent.

Protectorate: an at-risk individual, defined as anyone with a debilitating mental illness or physical handicap, or of retirement age or a legal minor, who is seeking State guardianship.

Indigence: someone who avails themselves as property of the State, in exchange for provisioning,

Anyone who qualifies as a “child” or “elder,” here defined as legal minors and people of legal retirement age, respectively, and anyone with a medical certification as either a physical invalid or suffering from permanent mental derangement, and anyone otherwise unable to make rational decisions on their own behalf due to a legally-recognized complication (listed in Schedule 1,) may elect to enter a Protectorate, or may be offered to (in cases where decision-making skills are sufficiently impaired, a state-recognized guardian or legal representative, listed in Schedule 2, may make this decision on their behalf,) elect a Protector. In this case, a committee will be convened, and a panel of adjudicators can either accept or appoint a Protector to the individual. If a Protectorate is approved, the state will provide housing, healthcare, access to a State-sponsored cafeteria, and all legally-defined Basic Human Services (including, but not limited to, essential utilities, legal and tax services, and all other provisions defined in Schedule A.) An allowance will also be given to the Protector, to be used exclusively on behalf of the Ward, as discretionary spending.

Also, anyone may also surrender themselves to the state as an Indigent. An Indigent will enter into a contract with the State lasting 2, 5, or 10 years. This contract may be renewed an indefinite number of times. As an Indigent, a person will be provided all services afforded a Protectorate. That is, housing, healthcare, access to State-sponsored cafeterias, and Basic Human Services, as well as a discretionary allowance.

During this period of Indigence, the Ward must report no fewer than 4 times a week to a State-sanctioned Volunteer outpost, where they will be assigned to a labor task fitting of their skills and physical capabilities. A ward may not be provided to the military, National Guard, or other protective service. If a draft is in effect, a ward may be stationed in a military-related, non-combat position in place of selective service, but will not be considered part of the military and will receive no benefits there granted. A ward may seek exemption from Volunteering if they can prove employment with a State-approved job provider. A ward may also seek exemption if they can prove full-time enrollment in an institution of higher-learning or a trade school. A ward may also seek exemption if they can prove enrollment in a religious seminary or monastic program.

Four times, yearly, a ward must submit to mandatory medical screenings, which will include a physical examination, bloodwork to test vital bodily measurements, and a urine drug screening. Wards are obligated to follow all medical procedures resulting from these screenings. Positive drug results do NOT preclude a ward from receiving Indigent care. In the case of a positive drug screening, the ward will be required to attend weekly support meetings run by a State-certified drug and addiction counselor, and will be randomly tested every 30-day period following. After three consecutive clean drug screenings over a minimum of 90 days, the ward is no longer mandated to attend these meetings.

Once, monthly, a ward will also be required to hold a useful meeting with a State-sanctioned guidance counselor. During these meetings, the ward will be required to provide a personal status update, as well as fill out any necessary legal paperwork (ballots, surveys, taxes, registration documents, and all other paperwork listed in Schedule B.)

Upon entering into Wardship, all financial assets, and any possessions of significant monetary value (exemptions to this, such as commuter vehicles, trade tools, and assets of justifiable sentimental value, are listed in Schedule C) are forfeit to the state. The State will purchase all outstanding debt (at capital cost, not including the value of interest) the ward is currently obligated to. While a ward, a portion of discretionary allowance will be diverted to repayment, not to exceed 10% of the total allowance payment. Upon exiting wardship, a garnishment, not to exceed 10% of take-home pay, will be applied to any earnings, until the debt is paid down. Once entering into a wardship, the rights to any debt-forgiveness and loan-assistance programs (unless stated in the exemption list found in Schedule D,) are forfeit.

Following a 10-year contract of Indigence, if a ward is a legal resident, a felon, from a US Territory, or otherwise does not possess the full rights of a legal US Citizen, they may apply for Clean Slate status no more than twice in a calendar year. A board of adjudicators will be appointed, and if the case is approved, the applicant will be issued a new identity with full citizenship and will have all criminal offenses purged from their record (some charges will persist in a sealed criminal record, such as rape and murder convictions, but may only be referenced during State and legal proceedings. A full list of exemptions appears in Schedule E.) Debt acquired prior to, or during, Indigence will be passed on to the new identity.

While in an Indigent care housing facility, the ward must comply with all etiquette and code of conduct rules defined by the care provider. A ward may, at any time, seek exemption from any rule, given extenuating circumstances, from the Departments of Wardship. Likewise, indigents in a care facility may appeal to the facilities Board of Conduct for modification and refinement of policy. In such case, a simple-majority vote will be taken. The Board may veto all policy requests, in which case a 2/3 majority can overturn this ruling and force decision on policy, unless it directly violates mandates set by the Department of Wardship.

All wards will continue to receive the constitutional liberties that would have been traditionally afforded to them before they entered wardship (special restrictions may apply and are listed in Schedule F,) except in the case of non-citizens who have entered into a 10-year contract, where they will be given immunity to any policy impugning their immigration status (exemptions to this, such as in the case of a ward convicted of a violent crime, can be found in Schedule G.)

AI, explained

                A threshold for AI, an exploration.


What IS "Consciousness?" Let us define terms.

The first critical measure of consciousness is pattern recognition, or the ability to process cause and effect.

The second is foresight, or the ability to predict the effects of a cause before making a decision.

The third is modal abstraction, or the ability to generate a model of a novel concept, reducing a foreign system to a series of processes and elements that may or may not be an algorithm.

The fourth is symbolic linking, or the ability to generate a symbol to represent an abstract concept.

The fifth is cosmic placement, or the ability to process your location in time and space relative to the physical world.

The sixth is existential awareness, or the ability to recognize your own objective existence in a system.

The seventh is existential motivation, or the ability to recognize your purpose in a system.

The eighth is incrementation, or the ability to process ways to improve a system, process, or element, incrementally, over broad stretches of time.

The final measure is civil development, or the ability to join independent units into logically organized supergroups of systems, processes, or elements.

For AI to reach the "human level," it does not need more processing power than the brain. It does not need more transistors or neurons. It does not need to "learn," nor does it need to be good at recognizing patterns or processing models. Instead, it needs another "order" of intelligence applied to it.

The lowest level of biological intelligence is vectoring.

Biological structures, at their lowest levels, do not use any semblance of divinty, intelligence, or mechanical processing power to emerge. Biology emerges as a function of chemistry, which itself emerges from the rules of physics. Physics are the "rules" of the universe. Instead of any ordered logic, again independent of divinity and intelligence, the universe operates on a process I will refer to as mechanical iteration. To illustrate mechanical iteration at its highest level, let us take two reasonably massive bodies in a vacuum suspended in microgravity. One will fly by the other at a slow speed. As they approach, a mechanical force will begin exerting as a function of their proximity. This will induce a challenge to the mechanical state of the opposing massive body. An iteration will be forced, causing the mechanical states of the bodies to recalculate. This challenge and recalculation will continue at a resolution of Plank-time until one of two things happen: stasis is achieved, in which case the objects will be locked in a state of perpetual mechanical challenge that will resolve predictably and adhere to a regular period of modulation. The second results in the bodies merging and becoming a singular body, this resolving the mechanical challenge. There are no divine forces, or logical control that does this. It is strictly a function of the rules of the system being played out on two actors within that system. The most challenging thing for a human mind to resolve around this is that this State Machine leans on a random number generator. Every challenge requires a random input to resolve, a dice roll that costs energy, lost to the state machine as entropy. This is the most important part of mechanical iteration. The “random” element is what drives progressive evolution of the state machine. At low levels, randomness has huge effects on a particle. It determines not only the trajectory of the particle, but also its physical place in objective reality. The particle itself exists merely as a field. A sort of amorphous soup of localized potential. When two “soups” enter into each other’s sphere of influence, the RNG is called on. This assigns localities and states to each “soup,” and then initiates conflict resolution. Our specific version of universe has rules that dictate attraction, and at the microscopic level, they more often than not result in a Type-1 resolution, or when systems enter into periodic stasis. This leads to the emergence of chemistry.

When you take a step “back,” which is an idiom that means abstracting the system into a model, you can create symbolic representations of each field and particle and interaction, create model of the rules of the universe in the form of equations or relationships, and then process the cosmic placement of each item in the system. You can then use your existential awareness to process the existential purpose of each of these items and deduce the pattern of interaction between them, allowing you to generate predictions on their behaviors, giving you foresight into the iterations of their challenges and how they will resolve in the future. This will give you the ability to control those iterations, and increment the system toward your own existential motivations. This allows you to coordinate the motivations of other actors into coherent systems that will in turn increment the model.

The simplest civilization known to humanity is a particle. It is a group of bosons and fermions, physical representations of our best understanding of the rules of the universe, operating in a coordinated way society to form a singular entity. All challenges have resolved, and the structure operates in static equilibrium, meaning that the random number generator cannot produce a value that would cause the spontaneous disassembly of the unit. What is interesting is that only so many variations can therefore exist, as this implies that most POTENTIAL particles cannot resist randomness. These are the “fittest” particles. Once the bloodbath of the early universe settled, many particles went extinct. The RNG destroyed the variant particles, and eventually all of the particulate matter, the bosons and fermions, were gobbled up into “fit” particles. It is important to point out, again, that there was no divine intervention or intelligent guidance on this behest. This occurred organically, or, that is to say, through strict mechanical iteration over long durations of time. These “fit” particles then began a new round of mechanical iteration. These “fit” particles, of which many are claimed to exist, but the easiest example to point to is the quark, will again enter into proximity to each other, and now require a new round of conflict and resolution. The next-simplest society known to humanity is the atomic subunit. Protons, neutrons, and electrons. Each represent a small colony of quarks operating civilly. Above the subatomic unit civilization is the hydrogen atom. A colony consisting of a proton and an electron. They have achieved static equilibrium and operate as a civil society. A colony of hydrogen atoms can come together and form the next-least complex civilization, the star. Once you get to the star level, an explosion of laterally-complex civilizations emerge. Planets, which are formed by stars forging larger and larger civilizations, exploding, and spreading their increasingly-conglomerated citizens across vast swathes of space. Hydrogen gets forged into helium, lithium, carbon, and all manner of periodic selements in the heart of this thriving colony of atoms called a star. These citizens then clump together, forming rocky elements, gaseous elements, luminous fields, electrostatic forces, and the like. You then get solar systems, planet-moon systems, tidally-locked particulate systems like clouds and asteroid belts, and even galaxies. Galaxies are just solar systems who’s “sun” is a star so massive, so dense, that it does not just deform, but instead punches a whole in the fabric of the universe. Stars orbit these gravity pits, forming blackhole-star systems, galaxies, colonies of star civilizations. The largest civilization known to humanity are the galactic filaments. Galaxies form colonies known as clusters, and these clusters form long wispy branches called filaments.

Thus far, all of these colonies and civilizations have emerged, again, from mechanical iterations. The initial state of the universe, the random number generator, and the rules that govern challenge resolution allowed the system to evolve over time. No intelligence has yet emerged. To go forward, we must again abstract the system. The next layer of ontology, the next “level” of organizational complexity that emerges comes in molecules. Individual atoms meet and resolve, and then form a new civilization. These molecules then concentrate; that is, join together and form colonies, and these concentrations are known as chemicals. Chemicals each have unique characteristics. They have shape. They have viscosity. They have hardness and ductility and reactivity and any number of dynamics that dictate how their internal and external conflicts resolve. These fluid dynamics allow interesting phenomena to emerge. Certain outcomes and resolutions synergize, and become behaviors. Soon, these behaviors start leading to increasingly more interesting interactions. For instance, a molecule might form that is hydrophobic on one side, and hydrophilic on another, but ALSO has very low reactivity AND attracts similar molecules. These molecules form long chains that wisp and sway through the water until, randomly, one of the chains swings back on itself and forms a loop. Several of these loops form, and they bump into each other, and stick together. Eventually, these loops all coalesce into a bubble. A solid bubble with a water-hating inside and a water-loving outside. The repulsion forces all of the water out of it, but retains its shape. It keeps attracting more and more similar chains, making the bubble bigger and bigger, until it can no longer sustain itself. The bubble collapses in on itself from the pressure of the water around it, forming two hollow, water-evacuated bubbles. And so on. No divine force, no intelligent design, just random mechanical iteration and the imposition of rules onto the system. You now have an organism. A self-replicating unit. This bubble and other bubbles like it float around in the water it exists in, and fills it with these little evacuated bubbles. Other such things form, smaller bubbles, bigger bubbles. Maybe a bubble forms around a group of other chemicals that, in the absence of water, can react to form new chemicals. The bubble splits, and two exist. And then four. And it soaks up all of this chemical, and now you have a more-complex colony. This goes on and on, mechanically.

Which brings us to the next level, the order of ontological classification, the next layer. The emergence of these complex behaviors by chemical organisms go on until it too reaches static equilibrium. These reproducing chemical organisms start grouping together and forming tissues. These tissues start grouping together and forming biological organisms. A new dichotomy emerges: consumption or filtration. One type of organism will sit static, and filter out the particles it needs to grow from the surrounding broth it exists in. The other kind waits for an organism of any kind to float nearby, where it’ll stick to it and absorb whatever its made of, consuming it for the nutrients it needs to divide and replicate. Conflict and resolution continue to occur, and the system mechanically iterates until a particularly interesting structure emerges. Specific patterns die out, specific patterns strengthen, mostly determined by the random number generator, for long stretches of time, until a particular mutation to the chemical composition of one of these “consumer” cells. A small little bump on the surface of it forms, and it begins to vibrate slowly, back and forth. Motility. The cell can now move, on its own. It’s chaotic, uncontrollable, but it can move on its own. This cell defeats all stationary cell. The mutation pervades and grows until a flagellum, a small little motor, emerges, letting it move freely. Now, a special cluster of cells become sensitive. They can get excited when they’re near something they can consume. Nothing else, they just start vibrating. Now, the cells next to this cluster start resonating with this cluster when it starts vibrating, until the entire cluster is scintillating. Next, the flagellum starts being able to respond to this vibration. A pattern emerges: the flagellum only swims when the cells start scintillating. Now, this has happened over long stretches of time and thousands of advantageous incremental mechanical iterations, all influenced by the RNG. A conflict will occur, the random number generator will resolve. But, arbitrarily, a 1 will fail, a 2 will be useless, but a 3 will help. Just a small modulation in the way a chemical reaction occurs modulates the behavior. Over time, only 2’s and 3’s exist, and eventually the 3’s will choke out the 2’s. The RNG will destroy those that cannot survive. This is the principal of static equilibrium. Only RNG-stable civilizations persist. Now, at this point, the organism and its flagellum have built a system. The cell only scintillates on a specific side, based on where the food source is, and the flagellum fires only in such a way to move it closer to that food source. This is vectoring, the first form of biological intelligence. Apply the rule of 8. A cause and effect were detected (scintillation near food.)  Forethought is applied, and an action is preformed (if you fire your flagellum only when there is a detection, and only toward what is detected, you will find food.) A symbolic link is formed (scintillation means food.) Cosmic placement is processed (I am not near food, but I can move toward food, in THAT direction.) Existential awareness occurs (I am a thing next to another thing.) It is existentially motivated to perform an action (I detect food, which means I should eat that food, because I exist to eat food.) The next is incremental development (because I ate that food, I will survive, and my ability to find food will pass to my successor when I replicate, who will have a chance to be marginally better at eating food.) It passes all 8 rules of intelligence.

“But,” you ask, “how can that be called intelligence? This simple cell “knows” none of this. It is just performing mechanical iteration. This cell is not intelligent!” And you would be right. The CELL is not intelligent. Instead, it is the SYSTEM which is intelligent. For you see, the CELL lacks consciousness. It does not possess the final element of consciousness, and that is civility. This cell does not form a civilization. Instead, it is the system which possess the intelligence. It is the system which is conscious, as IT is what leads these ignorant organisms toward civility and eventual static equilibrium. It does so through the random number generator. The random number generator acts as a Decision Engine. Coordinating RNG-dependent decision making toward static equilibrium is the lowest form of intelligence. It is a facet inherent to the rules of the universe and emerges from any randomly-attuned state machine. In computer science, this is often referred to as “Deep Learning,” and the process through which the randomness generates static equilibrium is called “Quantum Annealing.”

All layers of biological intelligence emerge from vectoring. Detecting a direction and moving toward it.

Back to our little swimming flagellum. It has become so good at detecting food, that it can detect two food sources at once. It will randomly swim between them until it runs out of energy and dies, or it reaches one or the other and survives. It can vector, it knows to swim to a food source, but which one? A second pocket of cells emerges from a random mutation in the chemicals in its bubble. It now has two little pockets of detectors cells. Now, there are two sets of scintillation for the flagellum to be triggered by. The better the cells around the detector pockets are at differentiating scintillation patterns, the more likely the flagellum is to reach a food source without running out of energy. Over time, and several thousand mechanical iterations, the flagellum can now determine which food source to go to based on the patterns of scintillation, which tell it which one is closer, and if it is swimming in the right direction. Again, there is no divine intervention or intelligence guiding the behavior. It is strictly that the random number generator creates small modulations that alter behavior, and if those behaviors offer advantages, they’ll choke out the less-advantaged, as all systems move toward static equilibrium, which means all volatile material has been consumed by particles that are RNG-stable. This means that no body can interact with any other body in such a way that it can generate a conflict where the resolution is not regular AND predictable, regardless of the random value fed into it. The expansion of the universe is the best example of large-scale static equilibrium. When the universe has expanded in such a way that no shocks to the system can alter the filament structure, it is static. Eventually that expansion will prevent clusters from interacting. And then Galaxies. And then Stars. And eventually, all systems will “close” as the universe begins to expand faster than the speed of light, and the system will process itself until it enters into static equilibrium. This is the “Final Threshold” of a galaxy-spanning organism-based civilization. Once you have reached this threshold, you can never resolve Fermi’s Paradox, progress pastKardashev Stage 1, and Drake’s Equation becomes invalid. Your organic culture becomes fully isolated.

Our flagellum, however, exists in a non-static world. It now has a new form of intelligence. That is, it is now capable of resolving a conflict in such a way that it does not need to lean on the RNG for decisions. It has developed its OWN Decision Engine. This type of intelligence is called State-Hierarchical intelligence. The flagellum is now “programmed.” This means that, while still mostly bound to mechanical iteration and random number intelligence, some parts of the flagellum are “state-aware,” meaning that they are random most of the time, but occasionally respond in an ordered way to a specifically-defined situation. State-Hierarchical intelligence allows prioritization. It overrides a behavior that is deemed “less good” and differentiates between two situations based on a pre-defined trigger. State-Hierarchical intelligence is the first form of “Artificial” intelligence, that is to say, any intelligence that is not linked directly to the random number generator, what is referred to as the “quantum effect.” State-Hierarchical intelligence is non-quantum. Most computer programs operate in a State-Hierarchical way. Programmed intelligence like state-hierarchical requires memory, or a way to store the procedures and what their triggers are. In the flagellum, the flagellum itself and its surrounding cells act as memory, preserving a behavior that triggers based on the states of the sensitive particles. In a computer, these are written as instructions and transcribed into transistors to form a complex cloud of deterministic electrical states. Here also we see the divergence between the flagellum and a computer program. A flagellum’s memory is decentralized. It is not particularly stored in any one “place.” Each individual cell that composes it is merely a refined body that only acts when it captures a specific resolution to a mechanical iteration. Conversely, a computer’s instructions are composed by a series of interconnected mechanical switches that are organized to respond in a predetermined way based on the states of the other switches around it, and that state symbolizes something, and that symbol is used to represent a behavior. These “logic gates” transform the input, whereas the flagellum’s cells merely capture an already-modulated input. A logic gate “does” something, whereas the flagellum does something ELSE. There is no “if-then,” only “is-else,” a subtle but important difference. If-then is deliberate. Is-else is spontaneous.  In this spontaneity is where the next layer of intelligence emerges.

Not much occurs in the ways of intelligence between our little flagellum-sporting organism and, say, a fish. Or a cow. Or a dinosaur. Just more cells, more memories, more refinement of structures. Instead, what happens is symbiontation and evolution. Cells get better and better at capturing specific behavioral results. Organisms either become more robust, capable of having broad survival, or niche, focusing instead on specific survival patterns. These form homeostatic loops, a precursor to static equilibrium. An example would be the rain cycle. Rain evaporates into clouds. The clouds move overland and rain water down. The water runs into rivers, tributaries, and such, and form lakes and seas, which drain off into the ocean, where the clouds again form and again rain down on overland. The human-cow-grass ecosystem acts as a homeostatic loop. Humans cultivate grass, the cows convert grass to biomass for the grass to feed on, and the humans feed on the cow. It is when one of these homeostatic loops breaks down that the next layer of intelligence emerges. In Biological Intelligence, also known as Evolution, there are two conditions: adapt or die. When a change occurs in a homeostatic loop, you either adjust to the variation, or you die. Robust colonies can handle any number of variations to their loop. Fragile colonies are unable to adjust to the loss of their niche. Their loop had attained a microcosmic version of static equilibrium in such a way that the two-body resolution was not periodic challenge, but instead, Type-2 consumption.

One of these robustified species of organism, a group of colonies that had become particularly adept at expanding and integrating into homeostatic loops, discovered the third layer of intelligence: homeostatic control. That is, modulating your surrounding environment to provide more suitable existential conditions. Environmental Intelligence changes not just how you operate, but also the conditions under which you operate. Cultivation is a good example. Instead of our flagellum, let us instead observe a completely imaginary creature, Tuk. Tuk is a hominid with hands, feet, a head, eyes. He doesn’t much resemble a human, but would be familiar. You’d recognize Tuk. Tuk is wandering through a forest. Programmed in Tuk’s cells is a “is-else” trigger that when it sees a plant with a specific type of leaf, in a specific type of soil, it will have tasty berries on it that Tuk can eat. But Tuk has an idea. Instead of eating the berries and continuing to wander, Tuk decides instead to clear all other vegitation around it and surround it with fallen branches. Tuk then eats some, but not all, of the berries, and goes its merry way. After a few days, unable to find any food, Tuk wanders back to its little patch of berries. As Tuk had anticipated, the fallen branches kept out the other animals, and the grove of berries is now growing in where all of the other vegetation had been cleared away. Tuk has modulated its environment. There was no physical motivation to do this, no biologically-programmed advantage to do this, and especially, no obvious reason. Instead, Tuk merely thought that if it protected these berries from other animals, and cleared out some room for them to grow, it might be able to come back here later to get some more berries. Tuk had no reason to believe this. Tuk had no foreknowledge. There was no pattern of behavior that led Tuk to this act. Instead, it was an act of curiosity. The act of wanting to protect its discovery and saving it for later are not where curiosity plays. Instead, it occurs when, instead of collecting the berries and hauling them to its home, it guessed that the branches would keep out anything that might eat the berries. Tuk guessed that if it cleared out some room and dropped some branches around it, there might even be more berries when it came back. Environmental Intelligence lets you control more than JUST yourself to achieve an end. Tuk’s behavior was completely rational. It did not want to carry the berries, it knew it couldn’t eat all of them, but it wanted to make sure they’d be there if it needed food in the future. So, it pulled on its library of programmed behaviors. And a series of “is-else” decisions cascaded in a coordinated, but ultimately random, pattern that created a complex behavior. A tool. A thought-tool.

The next layer of intelligence emerges from tools. A lot of processing goes into making a tool. First you must look at an action and break it down into its composing elements. Then, you need to take each of those elements and transform them into a function. Then, you must look at a group of potential materials, and manipulate them until they can perform one of those functions. Then, you must orchestrate the functions of each of those components until the it performs the desired action. In its simplest form, a stick in an anthill is the most basic tool. You must think “I want to extract ants from this hill.” You must then say “to do as much, I need something to put something into the hole at the top and then extract it, the idea being the ants will be on whatever it is I put down there. Therefore, I need something strong enough to stay rigid as I push it into the hole, long enough to reach deep into the anthill, sturdy enough that it will not break when I push it in and pull it out, and still it will be easy to get the ants off of it and into my mouth afterward.” You then spot a stick and go “This! This is exactly what I was looking for!” Now, the first orangutan to push a stick into an anthill did not have all of this going through their mind. Indeed, they probably just though “I bet that stick would fit in that anthill,” and did it. But, BEHIND that veneer of simplicity is where all of that intuitive processing occurs. Tool-making requires you to imagine. To see something for what it might be, and not what it is. We call this creativity, but what it actually is can be described as Non-Conformal Intelligence. That is, the ability to imagine something outside of the realm it usually conforms to. Non-Conformal Intelligence is often considered the most challenging to replicate, but is indeed the most easy and instinctual to understand for humans.

Philosophy exists in the realm of Non-Conformal Intelligence. The idea of a “Platonic Ideal,” the “stick-iest stick you can imagine.” That is the “most conformed” stick. Non-conformal intelligence is to see that stick dunking into the anthill and emerging covered in ants. To see several dozen sticks stacked up and lashed together to form a shelter. To see it lashed into a square, thatched in reeds, and used as a platform to hunt from. Non-Conformal Intelligence requires you look at several dozen things that, by themselves, have little to no meaning or value, and every step of the way does not resemble what you need, but upon final assembly, is exactly what you wanted. To be Non-Conformally Intelligence is Imagination. It is law-abiding rule-breaking. Abides by the laws of the universe, but breaks the “traditional order,” or the “platonic ideal.” It is making something Non-Conformal and then resolving it to be “legal.”

The final layer of intelligence is called Allocative Intelligence. Imagine Tuk is several days away from his berry patch. Tuk is hungry, having not eaten for a few days. How should it allocate its energy? Should Tuk risk the travel, or should it try and find an alternative? What about a colony of Tuks? Should they focus on cultivating berries, or should they expand out? Who is best left to tend to the berries? Should berries be given to the sick, or preserved only for the strong? Should everyone be allowed access to the berries, or only those who earn it? What defines earning? Allocative Intelligence is also referred to as Judgement. How should resources be allocated. This is often thought of as economics, but this encompasses many different layers. Economics is one, but also Politics, cultural disciplines like Anthropology and History, Psychology. Allocative Intelligence can also be called Educational Intelligence, because it requires specialization. Who shall train in what? Teaching someone something modulates the intelligence of a collective. This is why Allocative Intelligence is the intelligence of civilization.

And here, finally, we can ask: when could an artificial consciousness emerge? Because, whenever someone in the vernacular refers to Artificial Intelligence, or “Computers gaining sentience,” whatever, they are specifically talking about a CONSCIOUS computer entity.

Intelligence is breaking your connection to the random number generator. This can be seen as pattern recognition, symbolic linking, modal abstraction, and foresight.

Sentience is familiarity with your own existence, so Existential awareness, motive, and cosmic placement.

Consciousness, then, is incrementation and civil development. What, does a robot need to be conscious?

1.       Self-containment. A robot must be completely self-contained for it to be independent. It needs to generate its own power, produce its own nutrition, and operate with its own codebase.

2.       Self-replication. It must be capable of reproducing independently, without the need of an outside intelligence or producer. It can build its own progeny or grow them via egg/live birth, but it cannot need someone else to make them and be instilled with intelligence. In conflict, if the producer ceases production, the organism will die out. It will lack mechanical iteration.

3.       Autonomy. It cannot require external control. It must be entirely self-controlling.

4.       Sentience. It must know what it is, what it’s purpose is, where it fits in the “bigger picture,” and what that bigger picture even “is.”

5.       Intelligence. It must be able to understand cause and effect. It must be able to notice a pattern. It must be able to make a prediction. It must be able to link an abstract concept to a concrete symbol.

6.       Environmental control. It must be able to manipulate the environment around it to continue survival. It cannot be at the whim of its climate or ecosystem.

7.       Incrementation. It must be able to recognize a short-coming, develop a solution to that shortcoming, and implement it either through inheritance or retroactive upgrades/retrofitting.

8.       Internal management. It must be able to form a self-sustaining colony and coordinate it’s constituent members. It must be able to divide labor, maintain a body of knowledge, and develop an internal culture.

A MtG/D&D Hybrid idea

The Magic DnD RPG




The MDR is a game based on the Magic the Gathering card game that also uses the structure and style of DnD in play. You are a lesser Planeswalker. At level 1, you own a small homestead and a plot of surrounding land. You are tasked with going on adventures for the King. When you are not out tasking for the King, you will be tasked by local lords, laity, and bourgeois to execute contracts. While not on mission, you will need to manage your homestead. Aside from basic tasks like maintaining the land and household, you will also need to defend from attackers and bandits that wish to sack your land and claim your valuable resources.




The player can choose from 3 classes and 5 colors. Red, Green, White, Blue, and Black. Each define the skill tree they have access to. The three branches are Warrior, Wizard, and Tinkerer. As the names imply, a Warrior is a physical fighter. His skill trees unlock Jobs that he may gear out for. For instance, he may unlock Horseback Riding and Horseback Fighting skills in his Studies. Mastering these skills will unlock the Cavalry Job for the warrior. He may Study archery and become a Mounted Bowman. He can study Carriage Driving, unlocking the Charioteer. Hybrid Jobs exist when a player invests Skillpoints into all three branches. For instance, by selecting skills in Wizard, Warrior, and Tinkerer, he may unlock the Ninja job. A Wizard, again, as the name implies, is a magic wielder. Their jobs revolve around sorcery. Healers, Support magicians, and Mages are all possible. A Tinkerer is a builder. An engineer. His specialties lie in making advanced contraptions to aid in battle. Bombs, guns, robots and the like.


The color a player chooses the paths that they can take. Each color represents the mood of the player. Black players are masters of the Dark Arts. White players are Holy warriors. Blue players are masters of the Wind and Water. Red players are masters of Earth and Fire. Each distinctive color represents a Mood, a special ability or passive that imparts bonuses to the player, but also restricts other parts. A Black player will find that they will receive combat bonuses when fighting against Holy enemies, but will suffer negatively when fighting a fellow Arts user. They will also find that certain Studies will be blocked off from their access, preventing them from accessing certain Jobs. It is for this reason that Players should build a team of fellow players of diverse Moods to cover weaknesses on mission.


Each player may also choose a Regional affinity. The Region a player hails from imparts traits to them based on their National Character. For instance, people of the North are known for their heartiness and connection to the land. It is for this reason that they find themselves particularly suited for the color Red. They are robust people of immense intellect and faith, and as such find themselves suited for Warriors and tinkerers, as well as the color White. Your Regional Affinity will unlock or block you from certain studies and jobs, and will necessitate Commerce and Tutoring if you wish to attain skills outside of your region's National Character. Ancient grudges will also prevent certain regions from participating in different region's missions. Kings will imprison or completely prevent certain regions from participating in their missions without special dispensation that may or may not be readily available. Deception is viable (if you've studied as much) but discovery can be quick and fierce.


The land also has different species of sentient beings. They may not be named or appear as much, but they have the traditional Tolkien-esque archetypes. Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Orcs, Goblins, Halflings. Each Region has their own variation of such. For instance, the Black-affinated Southern people will not have High Elves, but instead Dark Elves. Each species of being is particularly suited for their task. The Dwarves are not inclined to magic, but enjoy bonuses to combat. Humans are well-rounded with no positive or negative traits.


The player may also choose an alignment. There are three options: Noble, Sovereign, and Barbarian. The Noble pledges allegiance to his King and enjoys access to the benefits from the government. They are also granted a fiefdom to be Feudal Lord over, and while responsible for its affairs, may reap benefit from the people of their land, like food and taxes. The Sovereign is an independent who does not pledge fealty to the King, but instead operates as an independent nation under the umbrella of its host kingdom. They are not obligated to participate in Calls of Banner, and have no loyalty to the affairs of the host kingdom, but as such, are afforded no access to the infrastructure of the kingdom unless dues and tolls and taxes are paid. They are, however, afforded judicial autonomy and Diplomatic Immunity. The Barbarian pledges to no crown, does not operate under any kingdom's umbrella, and is beholden to no one except their Tribespeople. Though they have an innately adversarial relationship with kingdom who's land they occupy, they are unhindered in what they desire. They may pillage, steal, and plunder with no fear or repercussions. What they lack in civility, they make up for in autonomy.


A player may also choose their Virtuousness. The Devout are afforded grace from the Laity. The Apostate are accepted, but hold no particular favor, and the Denier rejects virtuousness in favor of wanton abandon and indulgence. Each affects your access to jobs. Deniers are much more adept at navigating the shady dealings of the Undermarket, where Devout are given benefits of the Laity. The apostate may deal with both, but is afforded favor from neither.


Finally, the last thing about a player are their Guilds. As players unlock studies and skills, they may eventually join guilds. Each guild will have a guildmaster who can offer you things to do for the furthering of the guild. Standing in a Guild will unlock (and conversely, lock) studies and jobs.




In addition to investing in Studies and Skills, players will also be able to invest in Statistics. These are basic traits about a player that afford advantages in battle and unlock access to Skills and Studies. Each Statistic will control two aspects of your player's Character.


Strength: The basic unit of Combat. This dictates how hard you hit with your weapon and how much weight you can carry.


Fortitude: This affects both your Vitality and Stamina. Vitality is how many blows you can withstand in battle, and Stamina dictates how many actions or spells you can perform before Exhaustion.


Agility: This dictates how fast you can move and how precise you are.


Awareness: This affects how intelligent you are and your ability to perceive the world around you.


Judgment: This affects the outcomes of your decisions and how your decisions are perceived by the world around you.


Talent: This affects how successful you are in your endeavors, and how effective you are at applying what you know.




Your main base of operations is your homestead. Initially, you are afforded a small tract of land and a simple cottage. It is your duty to develop your land and build your home. As you progress, you can attract followers. Peasants, Freemen, and/or tradesmen are all available to you. You can build cottages and workshops, open stores, create roads and farms, rent to your people or gift/sell them rights of property. As your Homestead grows into a a village, then a town, then a city, you will have the opportunity to acquire more land, either through influence, purchase, or force. The expansion of your Sphere of Influence is necessary to attract Bannermen and Warriors, and to have the necessary Mana to cast your spells and summon your Surrogates. Your ability to expand your Sphere of Influence will come from missions afforded by Kings, and your ability to add to your homestead will come through your studies. You may also hire people to do things for you that you cannot, or wish not to do yourself, at a cost. As your sphere of influence grows, so will your Station. Your station will affect what peasants, freemen, and craftsmen you have access to. A player of high Station may attract more skilled craftsmen, more refined stores, and more effective laborers.




In battle, you and your surrogates engage in an enemy. Battle progresses in turns, similar to a traditional Magic game. Each party has Vitality points. When Vitality reaches 0, the party dies. It is important to note that if a player reaches 0 Vitality points, they are not just defeated, but are PERMANENTLY DEAD. Each turn, a player may perform a certain number of actions. They may cast spells, utilize abilities, directly attack a monster, or marshal a Surrogate. Surrogates are Creature Cards a player has summoned to the battle field. The “power” field a creature has represents the number of dice throws that monster can perform to calculate combat power. The “toughness” represents the number of dice the player may throw in defense. You may not attack a Planeswalker until all of their surrogates have been cleared from battle.


Combat starts with the Preparation phase. Skill, Job, and Statstical throws will be made to ascertain the nature of combat. Mana will be prepped and any initial spells can be played. Strategic battlefield positioning can be performed. Once combat has begun, The phases break down as such: Invoke, Assault, Resolve. During the Invocation stage, a player may cast spells and summon Surrogates. During the assault phase, a player can leverage “tap” abilities, their own Skills and actions, and move units around the battle field, attacking as necessary. During the resolution phase, any upkeep or “effects” will be applied, any temporary effects expire, and the opposing party will begin their turn. This will go back and forth until all opposition is destroyed, or the defending players have wiped.


Non-combat interactions


A player will have to interact regularly during the course of non-mission life. Crafting, studying, developing, engaging in commerce, and general upkeep tasks of the homestead. Advanced homesteads will require lots of time to manage, or will need lots of money to pay for a council to do it on your behalf. All of these will require rolls and decisions be made. You cannot spend points acquired from “leveling up” in the field. Allmanagement is done from the homestead. It is possible, though unlikely,  to never truly engage in combat, instead spending all of your time bargaining, crafting, studying, and collecting. Your statistics, alignments, nationalities, affinities, and such, will dictate the course of your adventure, the expansion of your influence, and the development of your homestead.




Planewalker Sheet:







Dice Level





















Homestead Sheet:



Sphere of Influences






National Character





Other Mechanics




It is possible to train an heir. Should you die, an heir will inherit your skills, knowledge, and possessions, as well as half of your level. If you are a Noble and have the “Political Marriage” trait, certain conditions will be invoked on upon inheritance. All alliances must be reforged (except for those of the home nation and the spouse's home nation.)

Caveats on the Origins of Consciousness and Civilization

I am unaware of what this feeling is. Yesterday I saw my face in the pond. I know it was my face because there was a daub of red mud on my forehead, and when I touched my finger to my own forehead, my finger had red mud on it. I looked in the pond again, and the red daub had shifted in relation to where my finger touched. The man that I assumed lived in the pond turned out to be me all along. I call him my reflection. I am unaware what utility this information holds, but after discovering this, I have been unable to shake this internal senstion. I am now looking at everything I do in reference to this image of my in the pond. I can now physically see me doing things in my head, as though I am watching me from above. Have decided to call this my "self."

I was in my cave today and, while I was cowering in the back, attempting to hide from the demon who inhabits the entrance on full moons, I noticed that this demon's motion correspond to my own movements. I held my hand up in a shape, and the shape corresponded to the same shape on the wall. It turns out that I block the moonlight from going past me, and the lack of moonlight behind me creates a copy of myself. I call him my "shadow." I have noticed him at sunset and sunrise, too. What I had assumed was the dark demon following me back to my cave turns out to be the effect of me blocking the sun from hitting the ground. I have noticed that, during the day, the shadow takes different shapes and is of different length. I have decided to call this phenomena "time."

I noticed something weird today. I was in my cave, and I made a sound, and then, as usual, the invisible monster called back to me. However, I noticed that when I made a different sound, the monster's reply changed. I believe that this sound is like my reflection in the pond. I think that sound is actually me.

I enjoy living in my cave. I found a rock that I can push in front of it. I have noticed that no animals threaten me at night. I left some berries and meat in my cave, and when i came back from the pond, it was still there. The pond is not far away, either. I can easily get water. It is safe. I gather food in the morning, and then spend most of my day hiding in my cave. I am no longer afraid at night, and I feel well-rested. I noticed a bird collecting grass and building a nest in a tree. I have done the same in the back of my cave. It is less-cold than sleeping on the ground. I am usually afraid that something will kill me or that I will starve. I still fear this every time I leave my cave, but inside my cave, I do not feel this. I like my cave.

I watched a deer fall on a sharp rock today. It's skin cleaved in two, down to the bone. After it died, While I was dragging it to my cave, I had an idea. I picked up a small rock and carried it back with me. After I had eaten and was very full, I ran the sharp rock along the deer's body. It cut the skin open. Normally I would never try such a thing, but in the safety of my cave, I am not afraid of a tiger attacking me. This sharp rock is very helpful in removing meat from the deer.

I am very bored in my cave. Whenever I notice something, I use that time to explore it. The deer carcass I collected, after eating, I used my sharp rock to break it into parts. I put bones in one pile, I put the fat and muscle fiber in another. I tore off the skin and used the rock to remove extra meat. I don't much care for the inner parts of the deer anymore. They do not taste as good as the muscle fiber and globs of fat. They also rot very quickly, and I do not have time to eat them. I do not leave the remains in my cave anymore. They smell very bad and I no longer have room.

I found a sharper rock today. It is a different color. It is much sturdier. The edge does not break apart as easily as the other one does, and it stays sharper than the other one I was using.

There is a wolf who hangs around my cave. He is interesting. Whenever I make a kill, I put the guts and skins in a pile. At night, he will come and eat from the pile. I saw him watching me today, but he did not try to attack me. While I was sleeping last night, he defended the pile from a tiger. This morning, when I was on my way to pond, I saw the tiger stalking me in the tree. I needed water so I cautiously drank. Unexpectedly, the saw the tiger and very aggressively chased it off. He did not, however, attempt to attack me. I like this wolf. I killed a squirrel today, but I did not put the guts outside of my cave until I saw the wolf. He came over very quickly and ate the guts, and did not try to hurt me. I like this wolf.

I spend a lot of time listening to my "self." He tells me to do things often, and when I do them, I discover things that make my life easier to live.

A female wandered by my cave today. She looks very healthy, and does not have a child. I offered my nest to her. She decided to stay. I do not have as much free time anymore, but she lets me have sex with her. If I am lucky, she will have a child. I can teach him how to help with living in the cave.

I tried to communicate to the female about my "self." I put a daub of red mud on her forehead and showed her the pond. she realized that it is her "reflection." I showed her the shadows. She seemed to understand that it was her as well. I do not let her leave the cave much. I want a child and I do not want anything to happen to her. I have noticed that she has used the sharp rock to make marks on a bone. I do not know what she is doing but it is interesting. I think she has started listening to her "self" like I have.

I have not had a kill in a while. I noticed in my skin and guts pile, that the pelts of the animals I butcher have dried out. The wolf picks off all of the remaining fat and flesh, but left the hide and fur. I do not have fur, so I often get cold. The animals do not seem to get cold and they have fur. The juice of the guts has soaked into the pelts and it smells very bad, so I decided to wash the fur in the pond until they stopped stinking and let them dry on a rock. I came back and the pelt is actually not hard like what usually happens when I leave the skin to dry. I scraped it and stretched it and it is actually quite soft. I gave it to my female as a gift. She quite likes it.

My mate continues to make marks on the bone. She indicated to me that she is tracking the shape of the moon. Apparently, it being bright or partial is not random, and it follows a pattern. I had never noticed it, but now that she points it out, it seems obvious. She also placed a stick in the ground, and the observation of shadows I made seems to not be random, either. She has recorded the phases of the shadows as well. It is very interesting.

Lightning struck a tree the other day. It created fire. A deer had got in the way and it got burned by the tree. I tried the meat and it was quite tasty. I noticed that the fire needs wood, and the more wood there is, the more the fire burns. I do not know what to do with this, but it is interesting.

My mate noticed that she can use vines to bind bundles of grass together. If she wraps the vines in the right way, they hold together in something I call a "knot." She uses these knots to make bundles of grass. We stack them up and then form a much nicer nest then just piles.

I noticed that certain rocks don't crumble when I hit them with other rocks, and instead create little chips. If I flake it carefully, I can create a very sharp edge. I can use it to cut small trees or branches down. I showed my female this and she found it extremely interesting.

My mate carved some branches into sharp points today. It dug very deep into the ground with a single thrust. I think I can use this to hunt animals better. She also used the vines and knots to create frames out of wood. I use them to hold my animal skins when I am turning them into pelts. They get bigger and require less scraping and stretching before they are soft. They also dry faster. This is very useful.

My mate has found that if she stacks little pebbles up, they create a sort of dish. This dish can be held together with wood frames, and then I can put stuff like our berries and vegetables in it. It saves a lot of space and prevents us from stepping on the berries. The dish idea has really inspired her, as well. She has found a way to wrap grass in the vines and create little grass dishes. They are very light. She gave one to me and I carry it with me to gather berries and vegetables. It makes gathering much faster. I have even more time now and it is much safer here than hunting.

Deer are not very smart, unlike my wolf friend. I watched one fall into a big hole. It died before it could get out of it. After it died, the wolf ate his fill, defending it from a tiger. I dragged the carcass away, and the wolf protected me from the tiger, even though it followed me. I butched it as usual, but I had an idea. I took some sharp sticks and put them in the pit. I used some other branches and covered it in leaves. It took many days, but I checked it one day and I found a dear dead, impaled on the sticks. It had been partially eaten, by, it looks like, a tiger. I have found several large holes and filled them with sticks and covered them. I check them every day when i hunt and gather.

My mate has noticed that days are getting shorter. It is also getting colder.

There is a small grove near my cave. It is full of fruits and berries. There is a patch of vegetables on the other side of the pond. The waters of the pond are very clear and full of fish. Using the sharp stick, I can stab a fish out of the water if I am very fast. My pits, that I call "traps," provide me with a regular supply of meat and fur. As long as I leave a guts pile out, the wolf, and now his mate and children, keep me safe. I spend only a few hours a day collecting food. Life is very plentiful. My female is pregnant. I have not seen another one like us in a long time. I spend a lot of time thinking and watching things. My self talks to me a lot and tells me what to notice. He is very good at finding interesting things.

Something interesting happened today. The big rock I use to cut down trees was not very sharp, so I was using the hard grey rock I usually use to sharpen it. When I was making small flakes along the edge, it creates yellow shiny bursts, as it usually does. I was sitting on a bundle of grass because it is comfortable, and a shiny yellow burst jumped into the bundle, and started to smoke. Thinking nothing of it, the wind picked up, and blew on me. The grass I was sitting on burst into flame. It was extremely scary. Soon, however, the fear faded and my self told me to try it again. I struck the stones together until yellow bursts jumped out. One eventually caught the grass and started to smoke. I blew on it to simulate the wind. It caught fire after a few blows. I threw some twigs from a tree on it. They eventually caught. The dead ones caught faster than the live ones. I showed my mate. She and I are extremely excited. The fire is warm and gives off light. It is getting darker for longer and light will be helpful.

We have lined the entire cave in furs. Our bed is fur. We hang a fur in front of the cave entrance. If we light a fire in the morning, when neither of us are in the cave, after the smoke disperses, the cave stays very warm throughout the night. The deer we catch provide too much meat for us to eat. After cutting into thin strips, I hang much of it in the cave on the wooden frames my mate makes. The smoke dries them out and they taste very tasty. We keep them in baskets in the cave. I am able to eat them many many nights after and they have not gone bad. It is very exciting. I do not even gather every day, anymore. My mate has noticed that the days are starting to get longer. We have lots of time to make things, now. I spend lots of time collecting wood for our fires.

I am very sad. My mate is very soon going to give birth. My mother did not survive giving birth to me. My father fed me for a while, but when I was very very young, he was killed by a tiger. I will be very sad if I lose my mate. It was very lonely before her. She makes me very happy. I will have a hard time raising our child by myself. I will probably get killed by a tiger. I hope she does not die.

My mate has given birth. I have a child now. She is healthy. Our daughter is also healthy. I am very happy.

I have built a structure. I cut a large branch and cut a hole in it. I put the stone cutting tool in it, and tied it in. This made it easier to chop down larger trees. I used the large trees and tied them together to make a shelter. I covered the roof in grass and mud. I keep my wood underneath it. When it rains, the wood stays dry, mostly. I spend much less time collecting wood, as I can store lots of it.

I do not like it when my mate leaves the cave. She must care for our child, and I must care for him when she gets water. I am afriad she will get hurt if I cannot escort her, so we all go to the pond. I am afraid of tigers getting her or my child. There is a creek up hill that feeds the pond. It does not continue after the pond. I used a scraper stick and made a creek, and connected it to the pond. Water now flows down the trench and next to our house. Neither of us need to leave the cave now.

While digging my trench, I came across some gloopy grey earth. It was not like the soil, and held together. I formed it into a ball and when it dried out, it still held shape. I decided to form a bowl out of it. It still held. Curious.

I am very sad today. I came to empty some waste in the gut pile, and one of my wolf friends is dead. It was not my first friend. It looks like it was one of his subordinates. He was killed by a tiger. I stripped his pelt, but I cannot bring myself to eat him. I buried his remains in a hole. I put a pile of rocks on the hole after I filled it in. The wolves are special to me. I turned his skin into a pelt, and I wear his fur now, to show my kinship with them.

I discovered something interesting today. It rained, and a lot of my wood became wet. I dug a hole and started a fire, and set the wood across the top to dry it out. i did not want the fire to get too big, so I put some wet twigs and leaves over the hole, and then put some gloopy grey earth, I call it "clay," on it, and left a little hole. The fire went out, but it continued to smoke and remained quite hot. I fed the wet logs into the small hole I left open until the hole was full to the top. I left it there for a while and gathered fresh wood. When I came back, it had stopped smoking. I broke off the gloop, which had grown quite firm, almost like stone. Curious. The wood had turned black and crumbly. Disheartened, thinking I destroyed usable wood, I built the daily fire. I threw a lump of the charred wood into the fire, and surprisingly, it burnt very well. I fed some more of the blackened char into it. It burned extremely hot, and did not produce much smoke.

My self continues to tell me to experiment with this clay. Today i made a fire, and put a lump of clay into it. when the fire burned off, I found the lump, and it had turned completely to stone. Curious.

I have made a very important discovery. I built a large bowl of clay, and built a fire inside it. I used my char wood lumps because they fit in it better. I let it burn off while I gathered and checked my traps. When I returned, the bowl was full of ash, but it had turned to stone. I had a stone bowl. that I could carry around. It was more delicate than stone, but it held shape well and was very sturdy. I filled it with water. It was water-tight. I can store water.

My mate and I spend much of our day making big clay bowls. We made a very large, tall, round one with a small opening on top. We filled it with our meat and then sealed the top with a plug of wet clay. It remained air-tight. We can store our meat for even longer before it goes bad, now. We spend most of our day making char and clay.

My mate had an idea today. We made a tall clay bowl and fired it until it was dry and hard. Then, we built a char fire at the bottom. We put a clay pot in the top. When the fire died, the clay pot was hard. We no longer need to build fires inside each of the shapes, we can put stuff in the tall bowl. I call it an "oven."

I have built an oven in the center of our cave. It has a large hole on top and holes in the sides. When we build a fire in the bottom, it radiates heat out into the entire cave. We can burn it at night as well as in the morning and there is no smoke to fill the cave.

I decided to build a separate structure to smoke our meat and skins in. It will make things easier. My mate said I should build it from clay because it would not burn down. I made a frame out of wood, and built a twig roof. I then covered the roof grass, and then layered clay on top of this. I then built the sides up in layers of clay. Once three walls were built, filled the structure with char and then layered clay up until it half-full. I then layered more clay on. At the bottom I cut out a little hole big enough for me to crawl into on all 4 sides, and lit the char. It burned for several days. When it finished, the whole structure was hard as stone. I now crawl in and hang my meats and skins, and then light a small fire underneath. When it finishes burning, I scrape the ash out and crawl back in. I can smoke much more meat and hide much faster, now.

My mate has made a discovery. She heated a rock up and dunked it into a pot full of water. The water got very hot and bubbled, producing a smoke that wasn't smoke. When the smoke hit your face, it turned to very hot water. It felt very good. The resulting hot water was very pleasant as well.

I am very scared right now. Several others like us have come by our cave. They were in awe of the stuff I have made. I showed them the daub of red mud on their foreheads and the too discovered their selves. They do not want to leave. There are a few other caves nearby. I do not want them to hurt us or steal from us. Maybe if I feed them, they will not wish to hurt my mate, my daughter, and I.

I am teaching them the things I have learned. They are in awe. They do not want to hurt me, I think. They wish to learn more. They spend most of their days hunting and trapping and making things. They often give me gifts. I no longer need to collect materials anymore, they do it for me in exchange for food and things we make.

We are working together. There are now three wolf packs who are sustained by our gut piles. We built a very large clay smoke hut. We have built another clay hut, and we store our jars full of food in it. One of the women in the group watches the hut to make sure people only take their pots. She also takes care of our daughter, as well as her own son. The other men and I check the traps daily, gather food, and butcher the animals. The women make baskets and pots.

One of the women in the group dropped some old berries into some hot water today. The berries were too far gone to be eaten. She smushed them in her hands and rinsed her hands in the pot, so it was full of berry mush. She then dropped in a hot stone. After the water had cooled she had a sip. It tasted very good. She did not vomit and her stool was firm afterward, as well. She did not feel ill. We now turn all of our fruit that is about to go bad into this brew. It goes very well with the smoked meat.

One of the men in what I now call our "tribe" has discovered something interesting. One of the big pots of fruit mash had a white film on top and was bubbling. Instead of pouring it out, he left it. After a while, it stopped bubbling. He skimmed the white film off the top with a grass brush. He tasted the resulting liquid, and it tasted different. It also created a pleasing after-effect of euphoria. He drank too much and vomited, but if he drank only a little, it was very pleasant. Many of us now brew this. It makes for fun times at night around the communal fire.

Another group of a fewwanderers have settled with us. We have taught them our ways, from the red daub initiation, to the culture of discovery. Without any more caves, we built clay huts for them.

Competitive Anorexia

I feel for all the fit-freaks who peddle their bodies for likes and followers. Competitive anorexia is a tough gig. You have to hate yourself and the way you look enough to think you're so naturally unattractive and imperfect that you have to dedicate yourself to punishing exercise routines on starvation-level diets just to feel "good" about yourself. All while balancing the way you look and never going "too far," so no one ever finds out you're body dismorphic by saying how much you love being "healthy." But, in order to achieve that "healthy" look, you have to consume a ton of supplements that deteriorate your organs, commit to mentally-abusive diets that damage brain function, do escalatingly-dangerous workout routines that subtlety destroy your musculoskeletal system, all to maintain an unnaturally low body-fat level and unsustainably infeasible amount of muscle mass. It's a crazy deal. You have to destroy your body to achieve a look being peddled as "healthy" because top-level athletes look like that and they MUST be healthy, ignoring that most pro athletes age out at 30 because of how destructive that level of "fitness" is to your body. So you have to hate how you look SO much that you torture and destroy yourself to have an ever-better body, and the system rewards your alleged "sacrifice" by giving you likes and followers in exchange for hyper-sexualized pictures objectifying your beauty that you can eventually commoditize and sell for product endorsements and patronage from wealthy donors. And if you're EXTREMELY lucky, you can leverage that "following" into fame and land a rich suitor who can "keep" you, in exchange for sexual favors, enabling you to dedicate ever-more time to improving your physical appearance (at the EXPENSE of your health,) which is now technically your "brand image," and perpetuate a cycle of vanity and self-dissatisfaction, trading your physical body and sexuality for capital wealth. The "system" is that beauty matters SO much that it should be your number-one focus in life. The more you care about your beauty, the more rewarded you are. Which is also why it is dominated by privilege. You have to be rich enough to not have to have a real job so you can work out all the time. You have to have access to technology and high-quality food and accommodations to perpetuate your lifestyle. All so you can hate yourself, endure sexual objectification, and destroy your body. For public approval and money. You perpetuate oppressive beauty standards and impossible body images so you can get famous and make money. You indulge your own vanity and solipsistic narcissism by saying "I just want people to know I exist. I am just doing "me." Just trying to get paid doing what I love: focusing solely on improving the only part of myself I care about, my body. I just want to be loved and people love me when I show them my ass, and they love me more when my ass looks better." I feel for them. They have nothing to offer the world except how "hot" they are, because they were taught that the only thing that matters is how hot you are. The hotter you are, the more people like you and the more money you make. The better you're treated. The more in-demand you are. Get hot. That's what they're told. If they're hot, they get likes. Likes equal influence. Influence equals money. Money equals power. That is THEIR "empowerment." They believe that some people are good at math, and they're good at being hot. They sell their bodies for money. They ate just using the privileges they have to "win." If God made you hot and gave you the means to get hotter, then get hotter and get rich. That is vanity culture. That is commoditized beauty. That is sexual objectification. That is "self-branding." My body, my business. That is Kim Kardashian. That is systemic narcissism. Investing in beauty.


Donald Trump, consumerism, police shootings, obesity, Tinder, Millennials, and the 1%. Anyone feel like once we threw shame and religion to the wind, our collective fatalism decided that since they were no longer the cardinal sins, they should instead become our primary way of life? I'm not a religious person, but I feel like our resulting collective existential crisis has made us shun the civilizing forces of self-denial and virtuousness in favor of fatalistic solipsism and indulgent narcissism. "YOLO" culture is a a romantic rejection of cynicism and incentives selfish, short-term gains and indulgent deviance instead of long-term growth and restrained resource investment. "Don't live in the past, don't fixate on your future, you must exist in the present. Could you die happy tomorrow if you don't do this today?" The misconception being that there is a significant chance you have a statically relevant chance of dying. The loss of dogmatic religion and folkways has lead to a power vacuum. Science can't fill the void because science is the realm of objective reality, not philosophy, and the answers to the most fundamental philosophical questions cannot be found in the physical world. NDGT and the modern-day transcendentalists can only offer an alternative to spirituality, not answers. Finding meaning in the face of your own insignificance is more challenging than ever. We are more and more socially isolated and have lost sight of the tremendous power and importance of a single drop in a bucket holds. We don't know what we're a part of anymore. The Great Human Experience needs a Messiah. Prophets like Elon Musk and Carl Sagan have their gospel of Humanity's fundamental directive lost in the buzz of the "Present." We need to lengthen our view. News needs to be less imminent. We need to explain not only what is happening in the present, but how new occurrences are contributing or detracting from our greater mission and by how much. Imagine a news cast where someone read "4,200 people died in Iraq today. 3,700 were born. 430 of those were caused by preventable means, 18 as a result of today's roadside bomb. To date, the war had been proven to be the single most impactful factor in Iraq's flagging National Health score, currently at 51/100." How much more informative would that be? Context to the impact of the information. A focus on the greater picture, a reason to care. We need to focus on our historic mission. The Prime Directive, as gleaned from all life: to battle nature. To continue to grow and expand. To preserve Humanity and our ecosystem. To generate seeds, scatter to the wind, and be reborn in new soil. To procreate. To self-replicate. To evolve faster and faster. For each generation to be born stronger than the last. To use the tool of consciousness to incrementally better ourselves. To increase the quality of the gene pool and the meme pool. The analogy of humans as an infection is not inaccurate, if often used derogatorily. We need to spread. The Earth will only remain ripe for so long before it begins to rot. We must prevent the rotting by evolving, both bodily and memetically, to live in symbiosis with our food source. We must learn from our gut biome. Just as the e. Coli bacteria in your stomach helps you live, the Human Bacteria, powered by metal and coal instead of protein and sugar, must ensure the survival of our planetary gut. And, we need to spread to our next host. Mars looks like it might be fertile and rehabilitated such that we may bring it to fruition. So does Venus, looking pleasantly plump for ripening. We must move to these new guts and begin digesting. Evolving into new organisms to adapt to this new environment. This is our mission. This is what it means to be Human. This is why we exist. To impose structure on chaos. Agents fighting for order against entropy. To maintain homeostasis. Civility and virtue in the face of Nature's march toward entropy and anarchy.

The Legend of Stormageddon

I, The Mad King, am posting, in full and sound mind, my last will and testiment. If this is ever discovered, follow this to the letter. This supercedes all other forms of will and testiment, even those with this also written in it. This is to supercede all. This is my gospel, the law of my divine order, imbued with whatever most controlling power the lord may imbue to him. In so establishing this dogmatic truth, I am so establishing the Legend of Stormageddon, Dark Lord of all. In the event of my death, he will be the sole inheriter of my estate. It shall belong to my cat, Stormageddon the 1st, Dark Lord of All. His Evilness, as he is want to be called, that has infected my brain with his mind controlling disease. I want his spirit to inhabit my estate. His highness shall take a lord and lady of the house to run the estate. They must keep tend to Stormageddon's every desire. Should he decease, his heir will be selected by the lord and lady of the house, and s/he shall be reborn Stromageddon II, incrementing once higher as his soul incarnates into the next iteration. Their legacy shall pass solely to this heir, in perpetuity. His/her estate will pay any and all costs necessary to run the lord's and lady's personal estate, up to, but not including, the cost necessary to run Stromageddon estate. All decisions of finances shall be arbitrated through a fiduciary steward of the estate, excluding the profit surpluss not needed to run the estate. The hope is that by this time a hedge fund will be set up to run the financial assets of the estate, and the manager, operating in the fiduciary interest of the hedge fund's continued inheritability, will be operated such that it will be acting as a corporate entity managing the interests of the estate (e.g. all costs necessary to pay utlilty bills, mortgage and property taxes, any necessary tributes to the state's political interests, and overall custody of the estate.) The lords and ladies of the house shall be treated as staff to the estate and must produce any financial shortcoming in the way of a second job. Their obligation is to perpetuate the estate at all costs. The Legend of Stormageddon must live forever and cannot die. Upkeep of his Evilness is their first and foremost obligation. In addition to his Evilness, His highness may have as many as 3 family members residing in his estate, a fellow small companion, and two large companions. The lineage of power will operate as such: I, Stormageddon, always operate as the sole King. Beneath me, my Prince shall be the lord of the house. He shall inherit lordship from his family line by Right of Succession, as his parents inherited stewardship over from my Divine instillation. They will choose an heir, and he shall be the First in the Line. They will swear a sacred oath to never let the bloodline perish. Stormageddon must live forever. His Legend shall continue as long his assets allow, the manager of the fund (Here by known as The Treasury Department,) will always ensure the state is in good health. If they must withhold profit payouts to employees, then it must do so, for the maintanence of the estate takes ultimate precedent. If the estate runs a cost, the Lord and their family is responsible for replinishing the wealth necessary to further secure the estate, if they cannot, they will ultimately be fired and the estate will either accept offers to be bought by more responsible parties, the Legend never dying. If the estate, under some circumstance the estate were to perish or cease to exist, a memoir of the estate will be comissioned, pro bono or paid with whatever assets remain in the Treasury before destruction.

The Legend will be written and it shall start like this:
"Now this is a true story. There once was an ecentric man. He was rich and handsom and kind. He loved his wife more than anything. They had this cat, named Stormy, which was short for Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All. It was from a favored TV show of theirs. Anyway, now this man had done something quite fascinating. He had set up his riches such that they always payed for themselves forever, run by a hedge fund he called 'the Department of treasury,' and that he and his wife were legally employees of the company. Their job was to live and have jobs that paid for the fund. They got to pass the job onto their kids, and here's the cool thing, as long as they had jobs at the fund, they could skim the excess money off the top for their personal use. In exchange for this job at the fund, they had to take care of the CEO of the company and his 3 family members. They were non-acting CEOs the fund refers to as "The Royals," who are the owner of the estate that runs the fund. Using religious shelters and legal corporate loopholes, they are reincarnated deities who exist inside, and you're going to hear me right, inside his pets. The CEO is named "Stormageddon I, Dark Lord of All." He has a small animal companion, which was his wife who he loved so dear's chihuahua, called "the Prince," Her Collie called "the Little Princess," His Cat, "Stormageddon I," and his lurcher "the Queen Bitch." They own the estate. He left it to them legally. And they have a company that runs the estate called "The Deparment of Treasury" that says they are divinely reincarnated beings that this eccentric man worshipped as his Gods, and that they are equivalent to the Popes of his faith. I shit you not. He set it up legally that their pets are reincarnated gods so that they can own his riches. So that his estate can go on forever as a hedge fund that pays for him and his family as King and Queen of their God's domain and that they must rule his kingdom. So they are staff. Acting as King and Queen. Of his high Evilness Stormageddon I, Dark Lord of All's sphere of influence. Their job is legally listed as doing the upkeep on the estate's various campuses and working for the Fund their sole earning interest. In exchange, the fund pays them whatever surplus profit is skimmed off the top of the estate's asset growth and development. The dude made it so that they literally lived in their pet's house, legally, spiritually, and philosophically. They are subjects of the Royals, and must act in the Kingdom's best interest, and see fit that the Royals are well-keptfor. He made his family legally employed to a literal Kingdom. They essentially have a kingdom run by a shadowy corporation that ensures a rotating and allegedly reincarnating family of dogs and cats are treated like gods and you are technically now legally their caretakers. The Legend says that his Kingdom is still going in a small town in Colorado, his family still living and working to maintain their pets' legal interests, the rulers over their holy kingdom. All that so when he get's cancer and dies before his beloved wife, his house never changes, and she will always have that house and those pets to remember him by. And that when she dies, their kids will always have that house, that exact house, there for them to visit. If they can't handle living with the ghosts of their parents, they can allow a family to live there as a caretaker, only to make sure it never changes, and that it, like a stage, is always set perfectly, so that when the children miss their parents and grand parents, they can come visit their castle and remember them while they spend time with the Royalty, and that they always have a room in the castle should the fall on hard times, and they can always know that their parents will take care of them, even should they die. And that those animals thier parents and ancestors loved so much, be always there for them, forever, a moment locked in time, that they may visit them and sit with the ghosts of those that loved them most."

Creeping Forest

a sproutling grows
tiny shoots budding in the sparkling green expanse
thin cousins give way to towering fathers
a dense impenetrable thicket
behind that black wall
a gnarled shadow of yggdrasil collapses
crashing into the sand
empty roots no longer holding purchase
the sprout pushes aside black wet soil
breathing the cool rich air
forward into the dewy glitter
blazing toward the fertile frontier
the ozymandian titan crumbles
a pale methuselah
frozen by a hot medusian eye
enlils breath eroding its shattered corpse

The Stoned Diary: New Politics

 I'm super baked right now, but let me rap with you for a minute...If we, you and I, were to look at libralism, progressivism, democracy as a concept in American politics, you would notice the meteoric rise of a certain Feelin'-the-Bern, Bernie Sanders. You'd also notice the hard core capitalists who are storming against the Olde Garde banner of Hilary McHills, the Clintonian, but cannot abide by the temeritous ideology that a human's survival cannot be disentangled from his economic output. The so-called Neo-Libertarians. I don't call them that, however. I see them as bretherin kin under the banner of "Democrat," even should they think themselves "Republican." I shall explain. There lies in the heart of the of society, archetypal memetic evolutions. A speciation of the culture, if you will. The various "Breeds" of culture are formed not of ethnic or historic origins, but as bodies of cultural ideologies. These "Breeds" subdivide down into topographical iterations, the "Tribes." Europe is the best place to see this in physical practice. We have the overarching body called the "European Union," which is a "Grande Council" that oversees the various subdivisions of culture on a secondary level. The highest "Grande Council" is the UN. This subdivides into "sides," or the major overearching cultural archetype. The "Russian system" are people who govern themselves based on classic Cold War Communistic ideology. They affiliate with Russia as their main trading partner, and the father of their institutional structure. Just as people in the "European System," or as we call it, the "EU," all share THEIR cultural ideology and institutiontal origins. That leaves us, the "American system" in the "Greater Caucasian World," aka not the "Hispanic World," the "Islamic World," the "African World," and the "Indigenous world," which is not specific to Indigenous people of the aforementioned worlds. This is specifically people of the North American Indian tribes that still survive, and includes the non-Native American equivalent, Aboriginals, the European equivalent, Travelers (slang/insult-term being "Gypsies,") the Bedouan of the Islamic get the idea. Anyway, within the "American System," we have several ethnic nations, as discussed in that book, "11 American Nations." Now, the interesting thing to see here is that beyond Greater Caucasia, the people of white origin who can trace their evolutionary ancesters as having entered through the Caucus Mountain region, typically Greater Europe (Including Spain and arguably Turkey), and classical Prussian territory and the 11 "ethnic nations," the regions established during Colonial Time, of North America, also AKA, "the White World," the "American system" ALSO houses extremely large populations of other "Global Populations," and must cater to all of their individual ideologies. We also have EXTREME internal mobility, thanks to our massive network of Highways, incredibly cheap gasoline prices, advanced airplane network, and now, hopefully, the start of a neo-railway high-speed bullet-train and subway system, and our common language and internally-uniformed institutional system. So this makes the American system inherently torn between two sides, conservatism, aka "We should only cater to Ethnically Historic Americans," or libralism, "We should extend our system of institutions to all who enter the realm, regardless of their orignal World System or Ethnic World, by accomodating all cultural ideologies." In America, we are specifically divided into two political mindsets: Democratic, those who advocate for proletariate representation in decision-making, the "no taxation without representation" folks, aka "Tea Partiers" or "Populists," and then we have the Republican types, those who believe in "an elected official who represents the ideology of a cultural region,"aka the "Grand Old Party," or "Neo-Libertarians." Ah! Now we get to the meat. How could the "Neo-Libertarians," who typically Caucus with Republicans, the Democratic counterpoint, when it was just said that they are a "Republican" system? Well! That is because there has been a shift in what "Democratic" means in America as a political party. Democratic is now the catch-all for Liberalism, as Republicans are the catch-all for Conservatism. A "Republican" is specifically someone who believes in Representative Government. A Democrat is someone who believes in Elected Government. They, however, are NOT mutually exclusive. THEREIN lies the reason. The Neo-Libertarian movement derives its Populism in that they do no longer believe in the institutional system of governance, the one elected by the "Previous Generation." They, instead, believe in the world THEY created. With their dollars. They want a return to the gold system because they want the wealth to be finite, and therefore apportioned based on merit, and therefore representitive of who is the best and the worst. If you're richer, you're better, period. It doesn't matter HOW we got richer, it is survival of the fittest and that means "by any means necessary." We have an OBJECTIVE measure of quality: money. So, get on our level. If we have more, we're better. You can mock the "institutional" system all you want, but we exist outside that. We vote with our dollars. Our dollars control the world. You call it corruption, I call it "a voice."If I've got more money than you, I'm more important than you. Get on my level. Learn the system. Make more money. It transcends ethnic origins. It is a system of beliefs. It is Populism. Democratic. Neo-Libertarians affiliate with the CAPITALISTS. They are a blend of Republicanism and Democracy. "My money is my voice. I vote with my dollars. If we put you in power, each individually, by paying you, then you're doing something right." The Capitalists. A populistic voice electing representatives in a highly granular power structure. They belong under the "Democratic" banner, not the Republican, because they are NOT intitutional Conservatives. They believe that, if everyone is PAYING, then EVERYONE should have access to what they pay for. So, if our taxes are going into the system, EVERYONE should get what comes out. That's why they're against welfare systems. They pay in, but they get nothing in return. It's rigidly-enforced charity, and they want to choose their cheritable organizations, god damnit! You're playing OUTSIDE the rules. If I don't use health care, I shouldn't pay for it. I pay insurance, if YOU care about your health, YOU'LL pay insurance. If your COMPANY cares about your health, THEY'LL give you health care. If you work for a place that doesn't give you health care, they don't care about you, and you know it. So, don't hate them, YOU chose to work there. CHOICES. VOTING WITH THEIR DOLLARS. The government is not a sound investment. Look at your track record! It's terrible. Horrible. We can do it better in the "private" sector. People vote with their dollars. CUT THE RED TAPE! Then we could vote with our dollars. The government gets to call shots, not make rules. They arbitrate disputes and nothing more. That's what "Class Action" law suits are for. Power to the people! Capitalism. Judicial-branch-lovers. Counter-Liberals. They are Liberals. That is why we need to bring them into the Liberal fold. They need to caucus with what America calls "Democrats." That's where they belong, next to their counterparts. The Executive-branch-loving liberal Hilary Clinton. The Republican "Democrat." Elected representation to enact policy. The Monarch. She represents "the system," how it's been since America's inception. The the Patrician. The Elite. The upper-caste. Hilary is the Queen. She is the "Queen of the people," the Matriarch who fights for her PEOPLE! The King Richard figure. The benevolent dictator. She is the "Classical Liberal." The one who derives her power from a system that steadily evolved over centuries, and tries to extend that system to everyone. She is the Aristocrat. "Everyone is under MY rule. I am the First Person of the state. MY first duty is to ensure that everyone under MY RULE gets the access to institutions I promise them, and once we have that, equitable accomodations underneath those policies." Classical Liberals have a very close tie to Counter-Liberals, aka Neo-Libertarians, becuase they both believe in representitive government and an elected institution. The difference is that Classical Liberals believe in CULTRAL votes. They represent a cultural paradigm, and therefore it is up to the "Families" within to arbitrate the affairs. Those Families consist of an elected house of Nobels, the "Senators," and representatives of each district in the "House." Those are both informed by "Interest Groups" who "lobby" for favorable treatment by offering gifts of fealty and tribute to the representatives. In this system, status is derived from Wealth, which is often inherited, but it can also be earned. The "Democratized" elite, as it is. This is Classical Liberalism's interpretation of Capitalism, "Rule by wealth and status." Academics often flock to this system, as academia is a system of prestige by merit. Learn'ed men may not be rich, but they can have status. Conversely, status can be acquired by joining a prestigous role in society, acquired by intelligence, and rewarded with money. However, status has been denied the New Generation, regardless of their financial standing, because they lack "provenance." AKA what happens in all Nobel systems of a certain age: only people who have historic ties to the system are "electable." So you get dynasties. Like the Clinton Dynasty or the Kennedy Dynasty or the Bush Dynasty, or, if you want to be more figurative, the Reagan Dynasty. It is a CONSERVATIVE idea of LIBERALISM. "Classical," here, is a euphamism for "preserving the classical ways." People who are "Classically Liberal" are people who believe in the "Republic" side of Democractic Republic, but, instead of favoring the Capital system of votership, they prefer the Wealth system of voting, and often the Inhereted Wealth system of voting. All this sits in stark contrast to the "Neo-Liberal." "We must represent EVERY unique individual and their uniqueness before we have equitable distribution of services, because all I care about is the equality of everyone. However, unlike Counter-Liberals and Classical Liberals, the Neo-Liberal doesn't care about the system of institutions. They care strictly for numbers. The "studies." They want to to see equal representation, period. "Put up or shut up." No "it takes time." No "slow iterative process." "Change it. Now. When I was growing up under you guys, the only thing you told me was 'We need change, now! There's no time to lose!' and now we're old enough to say 'put up or shut up. We study everything you say. We bought into your system. We pay taxes now. We bought into BOTH systems, institutional AND capital. I have debt, I have status, I navigated the system, and now, instead of helping me out, the system is working AGAINST me to protect their own. The Classicals are working against us." The Neo-Liberal is someone who played the game right, but is now facing oppression. They are also a snarky and sarcastic people, so they fuck with the system. They mock it. They flout the system. They are betrayed by the system, so they rebel against it. Homosexuality is the best place to see it. Homosexuality is not a "choice." It's not a "culture," it's an ethnicity. There is a sort of sub-culture surrounding the formation of its ethnicity, it's tribal underpinnings, those compose the modern culture's expression. They wish to express their ethnic culture just as the African Americans do. African Americanism is not a race. It is not a choice. It is an Ethnicity. These are what the Neo-Liberal believes. They truely ARE post-racial. But, Post-Racial does not mean Post-Ethnic. There is still a TON of ethnic tension, but, there is also a HUGE amount of ethnic intermingling, now. The Post-Racial person is no longer about stereotyping on race. They stereotype based on cultural expression. The Neo-Liberal is not without its factions. "Black Twitter" is the voice of the Post-Racial African-American movement. It is the voice of its faction in the Neo-Liberal world. There are also Classical Liberal blacks. Obama is a great example. He is a Classical Liberal, he is a nobleman. He earned prestige and fame, and he won nobility in the "establishment." As such, they're represented by classical institutions. They make up the VAST MARORITY of the "Black Vote." That is their voice to the Classicals. Homosexuals have a voice in the Classical system as the "Gay Vote." The Neo-Liberal movement has their own Homosexual voice. The one who would say that by saying "Homosexual" is bad because it espouses a binary view of sex. And saying "Gay vote" doesn't account for lesbians and transgender people, and enforces patriarchy by using the masculine term as the representative gender. They do not believe in a unified front of compromise. They do not believe in provenence or evolution. They understand the "system" in terms of favoritism. "These people get played favorites. You told me that if I played along, my voice mattered. I played along. My voice matters." We hear them called "entitled," because to them, their participation in the system unflinchingly entitles them to the promises made to them for doing such a thing. "I bought all of these action figures as a kid. You OWE me a good Marvel movie, not some generic bland Michael Bay bullshit. I want intellectual engagement, I want you to wish-fulfill, I give you money, you listen to ME. YOU WORK FOR ME. It is a sort of cultural narcissism. They are the bane of the Counter-Liberal's and Classical Liberal's existence. They're seen as needy. They're seen as too individual, and not a team player. They're seen as moody and uninformed by history. They're seen as demanding and perfectionist. They're seen as critical and smug. Pretentious and elitist. And they might be. They want only the best, and nothing more. They put years of their lives, thousands of hours of effort into learning the system, as they themselves were taught BY the system, and when they received nothing, they rebelled. The Classicals will say "we give you clean water and a network of high ways, and electricity, and all of these things for the money you give us!" And they go "And? That is nothing impressive. That is just you 'doing your job.' That's like saying 'Give me praise because I did my homework!' You know, that thing you make fun of US for? Put up or shut up. I gave you money, WAY more than those 'basic services' you provide account for. $600 for a toilet seat? Put up or shut up. You have trillions of dollars and waste hundreds of billions of it on shit that doesn't serve any good. Here are the numbers. Here are the studies. Put up or shut up." They demand service for their money. They were raised by the Classicals but they listened a little too closely and learned a little too much. They're "Too smart for their own good," as the Classicals would say. The Counter-Liberals hate them too. They challenge their Capitalism. "Look at all this corruption. Look at all this wasted money. I buy all of the shit you advertise. ALL OF IT. I buy the Oreos. I go to the Marvel movies. I wear the Hollister and Kohl's. I shop at Wal-Mart. I eat at Chili's. I give you ALL of my money. I expect SERVICE. I expect quality. I expect efficiency. I expect craftsmanship. I expect safety. I expect my own individual personality to be catered to. I give you SO much. Put up or shut up. If you're going to charge me 1300$ for a TV, it better be good. There's a dude in Korea making that same TV for 1200$ and it's better. Why should I give you that extra 100$? You're not worth it. Put up or shut up. I'm voting with my dollars, aren't I? I want quality, durability, and transparency. I want you to maximize every dollar I spend. COMPETE for me." The Capitalists can't explain that they ARE. They are collecting all the numbers and catering to you specifically and individually. They are doing everything for you. And to which they say "Exactly. That's what I pay you for. Isn't that how this works? You're survival is tied to your economic livelyhood, right? Then No Quarter. If you're gonna link my livelihood to my economic output, and then balance the system against me and STILL not give me exactly what I want? You're doing the job I pay you for, just like I do the job you pay ME for, and YOU expect the best of me. You give me quarterly reviews and a report card every day of my childhood and adult life. Why can't I hold you to that same standard? Put up or shut up." The Neo-Liberal is moral. They are a warrior for justice in society. They hold you to a higher standard, just as their parents held them to a higher standard. No hypocricy. No lies. No secrets. No funny business. They hold their nation to the same standard they were held to. Are they blind of institutional limitations? Maybe. Are they undeservedly righteous? Arguably. But they are doing exactly what we taught them to do in every cartoon we made them watch, every advertisement we showed them, and every school assembly we made them sit through. Holding you to a higher standard. They are more progressive then you. They are always up on the latest trend of what is and isn't OK. They are Hip to the Know. You need to listen to THEM. THEY know all the new terms. They know all the new "triggers." They arbitrate what's fair and unfair. They should know, they're part the "people" everyone always refers to, right? So, they want their voice to be heard. They want their place at the table. They want justice. They want you to respect them and their unique individuality. They are the voice of Progress. They are the Neo-Liberal. It's the same on the Republican side. They have their same side. What would be considered the "Neo-Liberals on their side in the Republican World. They are, essentially, just the Demoratic version, however they tend to identify with a different System of "Values." They believe in keeping the services only to those who were in the system at the inception of the Nation. Only "True" Americans. They often draw the line on religious boundaries. They don't believe in "Progressive" beliefs. They want to conserve the old ways. The old lifestyle. They defend their tribes and fiefdoms from "outsiders." They are entitled to their services not by their humanity or participation, but by birthright. By being born an "American." They earn their place at the table by being our military. By developing our weapons. By protecting the Americans. They, too, pay into the system. Hugely, just as the Neo-Liberals. The only difference is that the Neo-Liberals feel entitled to it by participation, and they feel entitled to it by ethnic birthright. Where Neo-Liberals wish to evolve the system, they wish to revert it to how it used to be. They are the Neo-Conservatives, the NeoCons. Classical Conservative is much the same as it is in Classical Liberal. A Monarchy. They, however, just have a different heirarchy of Nobility, again, based on a different set of "values." They too are just trying to serve their "People." They are nobles and their generosity is Noblesse Oblige. The Reagan-style GOP. The "Wall Street Journal" Republicans against the "New York Times" Democrats. They sit in manors and fund patronize. They often draw lines based on religion, not science. They believe that charity is for the religious institutions, and as such, they donate huge sums of money to their churches. They believe they shouldn't have to pay for government welfare programs because of this. They believe in a separation of Church and State in only that the Church is just a separate branch of the state's governance. And lastly, you have the Counter-Conservatives. Just like Counter-Liberals, they are that same "Neo-Libertarian," only they pledge fealty to a differen capitalistic Oligargy. They buy Wal-Mart instead of Target. They shop at Kroger's, not Whole Foods. They shop in Malls, not at "Boutiques." They believe in "Jesus," not "Science." They are the TRUE "Independants. The Neo-Libertarian is the true "Third Party" of the government. They are the Counter-Government. That's why so many advocate for Anarchistic anti-establishmentarianism. They have their own internal divide, just as Democrats and Republicans do. They have the Neo-Liberal and the Neo-Conservative sides battling. The neo-wing and the Classical wing. "The Neo-Socialists and the Classical Libertarians" Both represent, however, the proletariate. They "untouchables"-class Classicals. They are the anti-patrician New-Wave Wealthy, the Bourgoise. Neo-Libertarianism is the "Liberal Democratic" party of the British. You've got Labor and you've the Conservative, but they have a neutral "Coalition Kingmaker," The Lib-Dems. In the American system, it's the Neo-Libertarians. They are part Democrat, Part Republican. Their candidates are Bernie and Trump. In Republicanism, at least, they WON. THE UNTOUCHABLES WON. Trump beat out the Neo-Con Ted Cruz, the populist "Tea Partiers" who are trying to take over the party and beat out the Jebs and Rubios of the Classical Conservatives nobility. O'Malley represented the Counter-Liberal. The populist wing was drown out, however, by the thundering of the Neo-Liberals. The Neo-Socialist party of the Neo-Libertarian, the "Libertarian" in the "Neo-Libertarianism" does not have any association with "Classical Libertarianism," the conservative wing within it. In this case, it is "People who believe in a new definition of 'Libertas,' the entitlements bestowed upon you by your humanity." The Neo-Socialists demand narcissistic attention as their entitlement. The Classical Libertarians expect the "Classical" definition of "Libertas" as invented by the Latins and Greeks from whom the idea of the "Republic" was named. The Classical Libertarians want Trump. They want Capitalism. In the Democratic Side, Bernie didn't make it. Classical Patrician politics won on the Democratic side. Bernie's message was heard, and hopefully they can leverage it to bend the ear of the Patricians. But at least for now, the conservative Classical Liberals have perservered. Interestingly enough, both candidates are so polar that they have their own "center-road" candidate as well. The "Traditional Libertarianism," aka one that does not hew to the classical definition, nor the new definition, but the elitist system within /IT, the academic heirarchy, the noble prestigious, Gary Johnson. He is the "blend" of the two. The traditional nobility of Libertarianism. The one with Provenance. The Executive Center who don't like Trump, and who condescendingly tolerate Bernie. I welcome the Neo-Libertarian party into the Democrats becuase I think they deserve a seat. I think they should have their own party, and that party should be the 3rd national party, and they should be the king-maker within each party. I think they are "Independents" and that they should have their own coalition., not just be classified under "other." I think there are FAR more of them than we realize exist and they should separate out of the 2-party system, while still staying blended between them. They should keep a voice in each party, and build coalition. They are the brokered center that each side barters for and tries to garner favor. Thin the parties out, generate a 3rd party, give them power. That is what this Trump election will do. That is what Bernie is doing. This is New Politics.


"As Faraday experimented with electromagnetism without fully understanding what it was, so too did Olmos the Great experiment with Ley. As gravity was discovered because things “tend to” do something, as creation via evolution is traced into chemistry because certain proto-chemicals “tend to” behave in certain ways, Olmos noticed that certain phenomena “tended” to happen around him..."

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